Ch.23 Talking and the Cave

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Mal sighs as she follows Uma through the cave, Jay hugging Mal's shoulders as they made thire way through the dark forest. Jay was scared of the dark cave and Mal was regretting her idea to go in here. Mal suddenly noticed Uma had stopped. She sees Uma looking at an lonely shallow water puddle. Mal looks at Uma's face and how sad she looked. It seemed she was in deep throught.

"Uma are you okay ?" Mal asks.

"Yeah I'm fine, I think we should leave the cave" Uma said.

"Why is that water puddle reminding you of something ?" Jay asks.

"It just reminds me of loneliness" Uma mutters sadly.

"Uma where did you go after the night of the collation ?" Mal asks.

Uma stares at her.

"I went  under the sea and stayed there for 2 months, it felt so safe at first but I was all alone" Uma said.

"Did isloation make you change or something ?" Mal finnaly asks.

Mal still didn't excatly trust Uma but after she saved her from falling, the best thing Mal is willing to do is try to understand why Uma wants to help.

Uma doesn't reply as she looks away but Mal gentle grabs her by the arm.

"Uma it's okay you can tell me" Mal said with an comforting smile.

"Do heroes get happy endings and never denied it ?" Uma asks suddenly.

This caught Mal off guard. She never expected Uma to asks this. Although it made sense, Uma never had an happy life. Her mother treated her awfully and made her work non stop at the restaurant. It caused Uma to have anger problems and little paients for anyone. Is that why Uma was doing this, trying to be good, just to get an happy ending ? Or was there more to it.

"Yeah heroes get thire happy ending" Mal said softly.

"Even the ones who try to redeem them selves ?" Uma asks sadly.

"I'm not to sure" Mal said honestly.

"Being underwater all alone for 2 whole months ... it honestly changes a perosn's view" Uma said.

"You didn't have to leave that night of the collation, I did mean what I said... all Ben and I wanted was to help you Uma" Mal said.

"Part of me wanted to believe you but years of lies I was just too afraid of just trusting you again" Uma said.

"But that wasn't a lie and I really did meant what I said about you being so much more than a villain despite the fact you've kidnapped Ben" Mal said.

"I only didn't for freedom mal, most people would kidnapped the future king and obtain the wand for world domination but I did it for freedom, freedom for our people that's why I did it, yes I let some of my pride and anger towards you get in the way but I never wanted to lose side of what was important" Uma explains as she wipes her tears.

"Uma I had no idea..." Mal begins.

"You have honestly no idea how many kids suffer on that Isle" Uma whispers.

"Well we have good news Uma, Ben and the kingdom are basically rescuing kids form the Isle so there working on getting then all" Jay said.

"Uma why did you save me from  the fall ?" Mal asks.

"We where friends once" was all the Uma said.

Mal was about to ask her more questions but suddenly she heard fimilar laughter.

The trio looked up to see Audrey in front of them. Mal didn't regonize her at first because of the new look. Suddenly Mal smiles with relife.

"Audrey ? Is that you ? Oh man we've been worried about you for 2 months" Mal said with a mixture of happiness and relife.

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