Thoughts on Audrey's Royal Return and quick update

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Note : I did not expect this D3 short. It was about Audrey reaping the first 2 movies while having an spa day. And explains her new blond hair The short was. fine and it was funny at times, especially at the dog is talking now comment. I wonder what the spa people where thinking while Audrey was talking.

Update on the story: Okay I know it's been weeks since the last date and truth is I'm working on the chapter but I'm also on working on brand new stories like an new stories based on Amiphba, an collabe and Young justice outsiders. Plus jugging an volunteer morning job and family events .so this summer is busy but I'm trying my best to write the next chapter. I have only an month left before D3 and I'm running out of time. So I'll hopefully have it out next week. Please be patient.

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