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Hello Everyone, it's been a long... long while. I apologize immensely for not updating in such a long time. It's been the struggle and I've fallen into depression. Bee, my friend has recently been married and she will more than likely not be working so much on this story. I, however, will try my very best to continue writing this. It is NOT over. I must reread my own story (As I've forgotten some of the details), and I'll look over my notes that I left myself years ago. The process will take some time since I have work 5 days a week and school starting once again this upcoming Tuesday. I'll be busy. But I will get another chapter out. Hopefully by the end of September. So stay please, try and be a little more patient with me.

Also, shout-out to the anon that reviewed on this story a couple days ago. I REALLY appreciate it. I appreciate all my reviews. Since Naruto has been over for about 4 years now, I didn't know if the demand for this story was still high. Assuming that it is, I'll continue. Please review on this chapter if you're still even reading this story. So that I know. The more people, the faster I will definitely try and get this out. I hate leaving people waiting. Thank you again for so much support.

I figured I'd give you a little sneak-peak of a scene between the lovely Uchiha brothers. :) Something to hold you over until I post the entire chapter. This sneak-peak will be deleted when the entire chapter is published. Tell me what you think so far.

The moment the three entered the chambers that Akane was used to, she beelined straight for her room, after bowing to both the Uchiha men behind her in respect, of course. Madara stared after the girl, and from the corner of his eye he watched his brother do the same.

"Maybe next time you'll be more cautious about where and when you want to take Akane out on a mission next time." Izuna furrowed his eyebrows at his brother's comment, glaring slightly.

"Are you insinuating that this is my fault? How was I supposed to know the fucking Senju were going to come after us?" Madara didn't flinch at his brother's choice of words. Izuna always let his potty-mouth slip when he was angry.

"Are you stupid? Do you think this is a joke? They're after her, and that dog, wouldn't think twice about trying to get his grubby hands on her. Regardless if you or I are with her." Izuna chuckled lowly, running his hand through his bangs and then over his face. The burning sensation of his busted knuckles kept him grounded. This was why he didn't want Madara to come along in the first place. Izuna had no doubt in his mind that the reason the Senju found them to begin with, is because Madara tagged along, his presence, his chakra, straight down to the way he looked screamed volumes, screamed "power". How could they not notice them?

"You're blaming me, but you're the one who let her out of your sight to begin with, you made her mad, you didn't go after her." Izuna countered crossing his arms over his chest. Madara narrowed his eyes into slits, and if it were anyone else besides his brother, they'd be soiling their pants. Madara didn't respond. Instead he turned on his heal, long hair swaying back and forth and ventured back into his room. Izuna clenched his first tighter, droplets of blood blead through the white fabric and colliding with the dark tiles under his feet. A soft sigh escaped his lips.

"Izuna-sama..." turning his head to the side, the young second in command glanced at the newcomer that without a doubt was eavesdropping from wherever he hid.

"What is it Sadaharu?"

"Is... is everything okay?" Izuna sighed again, this time it showed just how damn tired he was.

"Go round up a couple men."

"May I ask why, sir?"

"In the northeast Tree dome, a body needs to be retrieved."

Knight in Scarlet Armor (Madara Uchiha/Izuna Uchiha)Where stories live. Discover now