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Disclaimer: Nothing is owned but Akane & OC's, Masashi Kishimoto ©

My inbox is always open for criticisms, thoughts, suggestions, and concerns, in regards to KiSA or anything. Don't be shy, please. I'm pretty bored, since the quarantine has had be stuck in my house for a while now. T_T We must stick together in these tough times! But, anyways, stay safe! Love you, guys; and enjoy!

Chapter 15:

"Your room's over there." Madara stated flatly, pointing a gloved finger in the direction of her door. Akane opened her mouth in surprise, a tiny pout formed its way onto her lips, her nails digging into the palms of her hands. Maybe coming there was a mistake; maybe he didn't want to see her, like she had wanted to see him. That thought had quickly been squashed when noticing the playful glint in his eyes. Her lips upturned now, lacing her fingers behind her back, forcing herself to continue looking him in the eyes.

"Can I come in, Madara?" His eyebrows furrowed even more, and his lips thinned.

"What for?" He asked, leaning up against the door frame, arms crossed. Akane fidgeted with the sleeves of her kimono, running her tongue along her dried lips.

"I just want to talk to you..." A glint of amusement stirred behind his ebony eyes. It was only then that Akane actually took in his appearance. It was the first time she's ever seen him with his hair pulled back in a ponytail, bangs parted to reveal both eyes; even though his forehead was still covered messily with strands that didn't fit in the hair tie.

"I repeat, what for, Akane? It's been two weeks and you didn't bother coming to me before, what could you possibly want to talk about now?" Akane's pout deepened, her bottom lip jutting out, a look of uncertainty evident.

"Madaraaa..." she whined, batting her eyelashes at him, even daring so much as to pinch the long sleeve of his shirt with her index finger and thumb. Madara glanced at her outstretched hand with little interest before his gaze was fixated on her open expressive eyes once again.

"What woman?" Akane sighed, eyes down casted in exhaustion, she wanted to speak to him, but didn't think it'd be this hard to get his attention.

"Please?" Madara rolled his eyes, nodding his head in the direction of his room. The brunette was quick, darting passed him and into the confines of his room. When the door closed behind her, she allowed her posture to relax some, shoulders sagging and her hair that was once in a ponytail now cascaded over her chest and down her back. Madara walked passed her, sitting on the floor among numerous pillows, a bunch of scrolls open all over his foldable table, several candles lit in the room. Akane followed suit, sitting down across from him, knees pulled to her chest as she rested her chin on top of them.

"What brings you to my room, Akane? As you can see I'm busy. Shouldn't you be off screwing around with Izuna right about now?" The brunette clicked her tongue, shaking her head.

"First off, Madara, we don't 'screw' around, as you say, secondly; I'll have you know I've already seen Izuna this morning, where we ate breakfast and trained, before I went off to the library to study." Madara rolled his eyes, bunching up the scrolls he had been writing on and tossed them to the side. Leaning his elbows onto of the table, he fixated his gaze on the woman before him.

"Right, and my brother hasn't skipped meetings for the last few weeks, because he wasn't with you."

"I fail to see how that's my fault, Madara, I have no control over his actions. As far as I know he showed up to yesterday's meeting."

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