First Impressions

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Disclaimer: We don't own anything but Akane and Uchiha OC. © Masashi Kishimoto.

Chapter 6: First Impression

At first, Akane was paying attention to each room Izuna was pointing out. He had shown her where the kitchens, libraries, and training rooms were. After a while, all the halls began to look the same. She could have sworn he was leading her in circles. Izuna purposely skipped over several doors, many of which she assumed she did not necessarily need to see what laid behind them.

"Izuna, where are we going?" she asked while looking up at him. They were currently in a really long hallway that held very little light. It made it slightly difficult for her to see him, his dark hair and eyes blending in with the shadows.

"You know your eyes sparkle in the dark. I can see you clearly," he stated grinning more to himself than to her.

"Uh, thanks?" She wasn't sure if she should be creeped out or flattered by his comment. Izuna was weird, completely unlike Madara. If anything, they were polar opposites. Madara was passive, stoic, and quiet; Izuna was impassive, friendly, and silly. They were an interesting pair and she wondered just how strong their bond was.

"So, you and Madara, just what type of relationship is that?" she inquired.

"Well, for one, we're brothers."

"Is that so?" she chuckled. "Besides the obvious."

"I don't know. He's the leader, the big man who's in charge, and I'm his right hand man. I guess you can say he's the brawn and I'm the brain. Y'know, the one who actually uses his head."

"I find that hard to believe."

"And why is that, Akane?"

"Madara hardly seems like the impulsive type. I get the feeling it might be the other way around."

"Are you saying I'm impulsive?"

"Of course not. Never," she giggled.

"Taking my brother's side I see. Why? You have a thing for him?"
"Eh!?" His comment caught her off guard.

"Let me warn you now, he's rude, grumpy, boring, and I can't tell you the last time he actually looked at a woman. It wouldn't work out. Besides, why would you want him when I told you earlier that I was the one with the good looks?" He winked whilst pointing to himself. Akane held herself while laughing. He never quit, and she loved every bit of it.

"You laugh, but I said nothing funny." Izuna muttered.

"I'm sorry, Izuna, it's all in good fun."

"Mmm," he hummed. He peeked over at her. "I noticed you do that quite a bit."

"Do what?" She looked over.

"I don't think I've heard you address my brother as Madara-sama, the way I thought an outsider would."

"Oh, the honorifics... I don't do it out of disrespect. It just - I never got used to them. If you'd like, I can start-"

"I don't care too much and quite frankly, it's funny how you just call out his name as if you've known him for ages. I wonder what he thinks. Just remember to use them when around the higher ups. Do it out of courtesy and they begin to see that you know your place. If you get in trouble, then we won't get to go on our little adventures like this one." Akane peered up at him, allowing a smile to form on her lips.

"I like these adventures Izuna, but where exactly are we? And where are we actually going?" The younger Uchiha brother grinned as he led her further down the dark hallway, finally reaching a door. Opening the door, she noticed that it lead to the outside. It was now dark; the moon was looming over them, providing them a light in the darkness.

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