Saved -- then Attacked Again...

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Madara roamed the bare streets. A few people passed here and there. He kept to himself, enjoying the last of his snack. He came to a stop, crumpling the small wrapper in his hands before tossing it in a waste can. Fixing his shirt, he stared off and ahead into the darkness. He felt something, an energy that made the hairs on his neck stand erect.

"Ho? What's this?" he said to himself, interested in who was responsible. Ignoring the pain in his side, he continued forward, searching for the source. There was something faint in the distance as he walked. Then it happened,

"Madara! Someone - please!" The sound of his name met his ears. He wasn't frightened in the least bit, but the blood curdling screaming of his name was enough to make him pick up the pace.

"Let's do this," Yushiro smirked, slipping the fabric off her shoulders. Stubby, tanned fingers caressed her thighs. Gripping her hips, he moved in front of her. By now Akane was worn out. She could no longer scream. Her headed pounded and her lungs burned. She had been through this before. If she kept quiet and did as was told, it would be over soon. She had to focus on what to do once he finished here. She leaned back against the cold wall, giving in. Tears slipped down her face and off her chin.

"Taking advantage of a woman is wrong in any case, but your own daughter? Disgusting."

Both Yushiro and Akane snapped to their visitor. Madara casually stood there, arms crossed and eyes narrowed at her father.

"You again," Yushiro barked. "Back for round two? You caught me off guard last time. This time though -"

Focusing chakra to her palm, Akane hit him square in the chest, knocking him back. Pulling together her clothes, she scrambled around him and over to Madara, still sobbing uncontrollably. Yushiro doubled over. The chakra had disrupted something in him, left him disoriented.

"You bitch! What was that!?"

"How low do you have to be? Even cold blooded murderers recognize that what you do is wrong; raping your daughter, dominating her, abusing her physically, mentally, sexually, emotionally. You call yourself a man?" Madara's voice dropped as he uncrossed his arms. "I'm disgusted to be classified as the same species as you, you sad excuse - you waste of life."

"Who do you think you are, always walking in on things that aren't any of your concern," Yushiro stated.

"I thought I told you last time. Uchiha Madara. You should really write these types of things down. I don't like repeating myself." He took a step towards him. "I also don't like scum who think they're above everyone else." He took another step. "I truly dislike arrogance, especially if you have no right. I'd understand if you were an elite shinobi; an Uchiha or even Senju, but you can't even defend yourself, which is why you prey on your own child." He took one last step.

"I could have killed you last time. I can kill you this time. Same way too, just a blink, but why waste my eyes on you?" He grabbed Yushiro by the neck, frowning at him. "No, you aren't worth it. I should kill you with my bare hands."

"Do it!" Akane shouted. Madara peered over at her in surprise.


"Kill him! Strangle him! Make him squirm. Make him beg!" she spat. He noticed the hatred flicker in her eyes. He tightened his grip.

"What are you waiting for, Madara? Kill him now! Make it so he never gets up again!" She almost fell over.

"I mean I could," he said with a tilt of his head. He slammed him against the wall just as he had done to Akane. "But..."

"But what?" she struggled for air.

"That's something you have to do."


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