Chapter 8

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Author's note:

The story has reached... *drumroll* 1,390+ reads! THAT IS UNBELIEVABLE! Well, at least for me it is! Haha

You have NO idea how happy that makes me - I used to write for myself and five or six people would read my stories on other sites/forums so imagine what it means that there's even more people reading!  I can't thank you all enough for reading about Leah and Harry (well, and James now that he was there in that flashback!).

I hope you enjoy this new chapter and please, please, let me know what you think of the trailer @michaelaa472 did for the story (see on your right) We've received pretty good feedback from some of you, but I'd like to hear what the other readers think! :D 

Can't wait to read your opinions! :D 

Love you!

Anyz .xx


As I came back to the table with two more pints, I noticed that Lara was staring at me intently. It was true that I had spent some time thinking  about Harry now that he was coming to the pub after I had texted him back saying it wasn’t me the one who sent him the ‘horny’ text.

Did I say ‘thinking’ about Harry? Sorry, I meant worrying about him.

I approached the table and set the two Guinness on the small table while I pretended nothing was on my mind. I was completely sure that the anxiety in my eyes was what had given me away, though, when Lara asked “What’s bugging you now? Is it James again?”

“No! Jesus, no,” I shook my head as I tried to push James further back in my mind. “Just don’t mention him again.” I kept talking as I put my purse back in my bag before sipping from my pint. “I was actually thinking about Harry…”

“Are you worried I might steal him from you? Besties don’t do that!” she chuckled and flashed me a smile afterward. “What about him? Is he too hot and you’re scared you’re not attractive enough for him?”

Well, something like that hadn’t occurred to me. Thank you for that idea, Lara.

Was Harry too attractive for me? He was really, really good-looking but I didn’t think I couldn’t meet his standards. Or maybe I didn’t. For a second, I felt insecure of my looks. I was pretty confident of myself on a general basis but it may have been the beers or lack of sleep that made me actually ponder my friend’s statement.

I nervously glanced at Lara, furrowing my brow a bit as I spoke. “Do you really think I’m not attractive?”

Lara’s loud laugh could be heard even over the loud music. “Are you seriously asking me that?” She tried to hide her smile when she saw the worry in my eyes. “I was joking, Leah! You could be a model if you wanted! You’re gorgeous, woman! What man could not want to be with you?”

“That jerk you have for a brother didn’t.” I snapped without thinking. I twitched my mouth at that and realized that maybe I’d been a bit too harsh. “I didn’t mean---”

“Oh, no he’s a jerk alright. He totally is. I can’t believe what he did to you! I still remember the time you called after your first fight and---” her voice faded as I got lost in my thoughts about my best friend. She did this kind of monologue thing, where she would speak about something but then got back to the main subject and she would actually get you to speak of what she wanted you to talk about. And I knew her so well that I was sure that it was about to happen.

“Anyway, he needs to fuck off. As much as I love him, he’s been a twat and you should not ever forgive him. We don’t care about him right now, do we?” she asked rhetorically. “Now we need to move on. Having a fling with this Harry guy you will do it for you, I’m sure of it… You need someone to distract you. Now tell me, what were you thinking about him?”

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