3: Obvious

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A/N: heya! Are you guys liking this so far? :) I hope so! Ok so in this chapter you guys get to know Olivia a bit better... Let me know what you think of her and Calum's relationship once you're done reading!


"Hey man, are you going to Mikey's party next week?" Ashton asked, clamping his hand down on my shoulder.

We had just finished with practice and were just aimlessly hanging around the field.

"Of course," I scoffed. No one in their right mind misses Michael's parties. Everyone, and I do mean everyone of importance, would be there. So, obviously, I had to be there.

"Yeah he is!" Ashton yelled back, surely at Michael. I was friends with everyone on the team, but the two of them were my closest friends. We just had a lot more in common with each other than with the other guys on the team. "Great. It's going to be great, man."

"I hope so," I nodded.

"You don't even need to hope!" Ashton laughed. "You know it's going to be great. This is Mikey we're talking about."

I agreed. "When is it?"

"Friday. How's things going with Olivia?"

"Good," I nodded. "Same as usual, you know."

Ashton laughed. "You're damn lucky, man. She's fine."

"Who's fine?" Michael asked, appearing out of nowhere and butting his nose into our conversation.

"Olivia," I smirked slightly, readjusting the strap of my bag on my shoulder. "I know, and she's mine."

Michael rolled his eyes while Ashton raised his hands in surrender. "Hey, I'm just stating facts."

"I'm also stating facts, such as the fact that I can actually get some, unlike you two," I teased.

Ashton's jaw dropped, and he tackled me again, yelling "I can totally get some!", whereas Michael just shrugged, plugging his earphones into his phone and shoving one into his ear.

"Sure," I laughed, pushing him off me for the second time that day.

"I'll show you!" Ashton swore, standing up and brushing the dead grass off of his jeans. "Eh, Mikey? We'll show him! At your party!"

Michael shrugged, indifferent to the sandy-haired boy's excitement. "Don't include me into this, I don't really care."

"Scared, Mikey?" I laughed, standing up as well and giving him a slight punch in the shoulder.

"No, I could totally get some if I wanted to," he retorted, then shrugged. "Alright, we'll show you."

"Good luck," I scoffed. "May the best man win."

"I didn't know this was a game!" Ashton yelled excitedly. "What do we win?"

The two of us gave him a look before shaking our heads. "It's just an expression, Irwin."



At dinner that night, while our parents were debating something or the other about the environment, I elbowed Tay. "How was your day with loser?"

She rolled her eyes. "It was fine. How was your day with Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dumb?"

I shrugged. "Fine. Mikey's party is Friday."

"Wow, I care so much," she responded in her signature sarcastic tone. "And you know that. Why are you telling me?"

"You need to help me convince Mum to let me go."

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