Chapter 2 Damon Salvatore

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Karin's POV

At School In History Class BORING!

I was doodling on my notebook when I heard Mr. Travis call on Bonnie I turned to look at bonnie hoping to help her but I knew nothing what was going on.

"Umm... A lot. I'm not sure but a whole lot." Bonnie said.

"Cute becomes dimpsten in a second miss Bennett." He scanned around the room and spotted me.

"Karin, would you like to enlighten the room about Mystic Fall historical event?" He said.

I froze "Um.. I'm sorry I don't know."

"I was light on you last year for the personal excuses but not this time." I was shocked by what he said and it made me remember about the accident of my parents. I glared at the teacher wishing he would take back what he said.

"I remember quiet well that you can't bring those personal stuff up Mr. Travis. I also remembered Principal Donven that you can't." I smiled at him being caught. I had grabbed his soul in my hands and just smiled. He looked at me wide eyes then just skipped off to another person.

Then I heard Stefan answer the question. I turned and notice he was correct by the way Mr. Travis looked. Stefan was smart and I liked that. Stefan was just the perfect match for Elena and I didn't think a second of it.

At the BonFire that Night.

"He's a romance lover." Bonnie said. I rolled my eyes and said.

"He's smart. He's perfect for you. GO for it!" I said.

"Thank-you. Someone is supportive here." Elena said.

"Okay... hey guess what my grams said about me being a witch," She didnt' wait for our response " Grams said the powers will come to me... I have to concentrate." She closed her eyes.

"Wait! You need a crystal ball!" I turned around and found an empty glass beer bottle on the ground and handed it to her. She grabbed it and jumped pulling her arm away. "What?"

"I saw a crow, fog, ... I'm drunk!" Bonnie said. I saw Elena looked weird then

"Are you okay Elena?" I asked. She just nodded. Then I saw Stefan come our way. I playfully make her turn and Stefan came to her. I saw Bonnie walk to get water. I smile about to walk away when Elena grabbed my hand to make me stay put. I pulled away then stood there when Elena couldn't speak.

"Hey Stefan." I said. He smiled at me as I smile back.

"Hi Karin." He said.
"Well aren't you getting buffer everytime I see you. " I smiled. Poking his am of muscle. "Please tell me that you are planning to be on the team. We need you." I smiled.

"Yeah I'm going to try out." He smiled at me not moving from my gaze.  I felt some grab my waist as I I turned to see it was Tyler. He gives me a kiss on the cheek.

"Hope you're not hitting on my girl." He smirked at Stefan.  I laughed. Then saw Elena still speechless. I turned to Tyler grabbing his hand. "Come let's get drunk." I pulled him away from Stefan giving Elena a heads up to go for it.

In the FOrest

I kissed Tyler as he pushed me on the tree then he was going a little to far when I felt his hand going up my shirt. "Tyler, stop rushing. We have all night." I smiled at him then he kisses me more passionatly and still put up my shirt. "Tyler..Stop." He didn't stop as I tried to push him "STOP!TYLER!" I saw Jeremy push Tyler off.

"What the hell? You know you're getting on my nerves." Tyler goes up to face Jeremy about to fight. I push them apart.

"Tyler Stop!!" I Yelled as Tyler just shove between us and walked away. I sigh driving my finger through my long curly hair. I looked at Jeremy. "Thanks."

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