Chapter 14 Hybrid Army

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Karin's POV

"Well, I don't want you to leave me." Klaus looked at me from his a far. I got up from the bench and walked over to him.

"You compelled me remember Klaus? I can't leave until your little army is finished." I stood above him because he was sitting on a fallen tree.

"Right but you do know you can stay with me a little longer." Klaus grinned. My raised an eye brow then slowly smiled.

"Okay...I will stay with you Klaus forever..." I smiled then he smiled. I pushed him on the ground. "In your dream Mr. Hybrid King." I rolled my eyes walking over to the bench I was again. I pulled out my phone looking through the photos I took.

THere was a photo where Elena,Stefan, Damon, and I were dressed in 1860's clothes for the fair. I smiled... the night where I saved Damon and he gave me a kiss. I bite my lips thinking of that thought.

"You look a lot like Katherine." Klaus appeared behind my shoulder looking at my phone. I was suprised I jumped then I looked at Klaus.

"I'm NOT Katherine." I said.

"Of course your not darling. Your more sexier, more fiesty." He touched my cheek going down to my neck... "And a beautiful neck..." He looked at me with a smile.

"Stop with the flirting, your not going to be able to grab my heart in your hands Klaus." I folded my arms looking at him.

"I can. If I meet you first, you would have fallen for me." Klaus smiled at me sitting next to me.

"Well, you didn't. Lucky me... I have Damon." I said smiling at him.

"Well, didn't he betray your trust? I would never do that to someone as beautiful as you." He grabbed my hand.

"Of course you wouldn't Klaus but instead you held me hostage feeding me to your hybrids." I said.

"Hostage is such a strong word, you make me feel like a monster...let's say my friend." He said chuckling.

"I rather say Hostage, I mean you are a monster by making stefan a ripper once again." I said then I saw his face get angry getting up.

"I'm not a monster! I created something beautiful, I gave them a gift!" He shouted at me pointing to the hybrids.

I stood up. "A monster creating something that should not have been created." I said then he looked at me about to kill me. "In honest truth Klaus... you created those hybrids because you were alone." I walked over to Klaus. "You were alone over 1000's of years being alone, having your family stuff in coffins. Your father chasing you to kill you. You were so alone that you kept yourself busy to make a hybrid so you wont have that feeling again but you dont realize that your just making yourself more lonely." I said.

"How do you know about that?" He asked.

"I'm a vampire hunter after all... I've done my research." I smiled about to walk away but stop to say. "I know how it feels to be left alone, I've been in your shoes before but you have to forgive and forget the past to be able to re unit with your family and not some Hyrbid Klaus." I said walking away seeing his strong sad expression on his face.

Klaus's POV

I looked at the Karin walk away, the girl that held my past secret, she knew how I felt.

I looked at the Hyrbids that are drinking on humans. I looked back at Karin walking over to the edge of the valley looking at the view...

that girl was special.... she was under my skin and I didnt' even notice...Should I tell her? NO! I shouldn't... but I think she hold something in my heart... what was it?

I smiled at myself... I was falling for this girl.

Damon's POV

"I love you Damon, it's always you."

The voice echoed in my head, I smiled to myself then the memory of her walking into Klaus arms... my smile faded.

"I have to get her.... no. She told me she's okay, she'll come back." I told myself.

Her kiss still burned on my lips. I couldn't wait for her to come back anymore. I sighed.

"I know you miss her." I turned around to see Elena at the door. I smiled at her.

"You really don't mind knockiing?" I said getting dressed for the party at Tyler Lockwoods house. Elena walked over to me fixing my tie.

"So do you think they'll come back soon?" Elena said.

"They are. Klaus's stupid Hybrid army is basically done." I said looking down at Elena.

"I hope... I know you miss her." Elena looked up and smiled at me.

"Is it that noticable." I smirked.

"Yes, despite all that happen to us... I trust her in your hands Damon." She patted my chest.

"I trust you in my brothers hands... he's quiet the handful." I mentioned then we both laughed.

At Tyler Lockwoods house

"I'm going to find Caroline." Elena said I nodded as she walked away. I sighed walking outside to the large backyard which had a band playing outside.

Karin's POv

"Why are we coming to Tyler Lockwoods Party?" I asked Klaus walking to the backyard with him.

"It's a party darling! Plus I like that Tyler Lockwood." He smiled.

"Your not going to turn him." I demanded.

"Can'tt... I already did. Little late on that." He said. I rolled my eyes then grabbed a drink almost chugging it down.

Nice to know my ex boyfriend is having a party. I'm at his house. He's a hybrid.... why not celebrate!

"Relax, love. I know all about the Boyfriend past. He shouldn't bother you... he's with Caroline." He smiled at me. He pointed them dancing in the hallway. I looked over at them and just chugged my beer.

"He's an ass." I said turning back around. "What are we doing here Klaus?" I said.

"My hybrid put up a party that he doesn't have to suffer every moon. I think we should've come." He said and I looked at him with a 'seriously look' but he just chuckled.

"I know your sister is still alive... Ah Elena." He said and I go into shock mood.

"You can not lay a hand on her... not your hybrids either." I said.

"I wont. Don't worry she's not my next blood bag but I've been keeping tabs on her." He turned to me. " your all I need." He smiled. I rolled my eyes.

"That's nice to know Klaus." I smiled.

"Karin?" I heard a familiar voice... Klaus and I turned around to see Damon.

"Damon..." I whispered in shock. Of course he's going to be here... idiot.

"Well, if it isnt one of the Salvatore's brother." Klaus said smiling.

"What are you doing here?" Damon igoned Klaus's greeting.

"My Hybrid had a party... why not come." Klaus said.

"Tyler Lockwood?" Damon asked.

"Yes..." Klaus grabbed me."Oh this precious Karin... how can she be hurt by him but she said Forget and Forgive... so I turned him."

I pushed Klaus away glaring at him

"Fiesty, I like her a lot." Klaus said then grabbing me once again.

"Let go." I demanded.

"Let her go before I kill you." Damon demanded.

"Oh, if you do my hybrids will kill  you.' Klaus showed and 20 Hybrid was looking at Damon... glare.

"Hybrid army." Damon said. Klaus smiled at him.

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