2. Maybe one day.

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Ever been woken up by pangs of hunger and a growling stomach? Well, I have. The next morning my stomach took upon itself to wake me up long before my alarm could. My neck was slightly cramped for sleeping at an odd angle but overall I'd slept well. I jumped out of bed to make me some breakfast and only remembered at the last minute that I needed to make a morning prayer.

Half an hour later, my hunger was curbed and I still had enough time to get ready for class. The day was promising. I was humming along my favourite song as I freshened up. I was actually able to find an outfit that flattered my femininity and made me at least look my age. It was as I walked past Matt's door on my way out that I remembered my fallout with Cathy. Well, there goes my awesome day.

As I got to class I couldn't decide whether to sit next to Cathy or not. She had definitely gone against every friendship code out there but still, she was my only friend in this class and the only person who could put up with me. I stood at the door for a solid two minutes not knowing what to do until Cathy waved me over, a smile on her face. I might act all tough sometimes but deep down I know am too forgiving. It's why I found myself walking to my usual spot next to my only friend.

"Soni, am sorry about what.." She started but I cut her off. "It's okay, I don't want to talk about it," I told her. Simply because I let it go didn't mean I wanted to go over it. After all, she was Cathy and her opinion would still stand. Her stubbornness and steadfastness in what she believes in is what I like about her most.

My day went smoothly although I had more classes on Tuesday than on Monday meaning I was much more exhausted when I got home. I was doing research on my laptop for an assignment when there was a knock at my door. To say I was surprised would be an understatement because I rarely got any visitors unless it was Cathy. I opened the door to find Caleb standing there a mild smile on his face. I became self conscious all of a sudden and I could barely formulate a coherent thought.

"Hi, I thought I'd stop by and pick the revision papers you promised me." Caleb drawled out in the deepest most masculine voice that had hearts dancing in my eyes(I know how bad that sounds.) "Oh, su-sure come in," I stuttered in reply.

Caleb walked in and settled on the small couch as I went to fetch him the papers from my bedside table. As soon as I handed them to him he got up to leave. I couldn't just let him leave already and I offered to help him go through them. Thankfully, he was more than willing to get as much help on the accounting problems since he was a more art inclined person. Its a wonder why he had to take the unit with his course.

It took me almost an hour to find a way to explain the concepts in a manner he could understand. However, with the reaction I received my efforts were totally worth it. The minute he began understanding, he was so excited he flung his arms around me in a crushing hug. I didn't mind getting a broken rib or two if it meant getting a hug from Caleb. As we went through the questions together we were both grinning like maniacs and every solution he got right was met by excited squeals(on my part) and fist bumps.

It was past 8:00pm when we completed the revision. Just as we were packing away there was a knock on my door. Well, it seemed like I was getting lots of visitors that day. I walked Caleb to the door while checking who was knocking. We said our goodbyes right before I opened the door. As soon as Caleb walked away I turned towards my night visitor and the smile on my face froze as my eyes widened in wonder.

Standing there was the most good looking guy I'd ever seen. He was tall and broad shouldered, and the tight muscle shirt he was wearing outlined ripples of muscles on his arms and torso. He had the most masculine and handsome face and the calm look on his face gave him a mysterious allure.

I quickly gathered my wits and tried to spike a conversation. "Hey, how may I help you?" I asked with a smile I hoped did not look as forced as it felt. "Hi, am Ombachi, I just moved next-door a couple of days ago and I'd like to borrow a frying pan since am yet to go shopping." He said. I couldn't help the smile that crept up my face, I couldn't believe he came to borrow a pan from me instead of eating out, I know I would have if I had been in his position.

Being the good neighbour that I was I lent him the frying pan and got down to prepare my supper. As I made me some corn cake and vegetable salad, I couldn't stop the constant grin plastered on my face as I thought of my earlier revision session with Caleb. He might not see me as anything but a friend but at least I got a chance to get closer to him. With my stomach full, I knelt down to pray, I sent up my thanks for a good day and prayed for better days ahead.

As I lay in my bed, delirious with sleep, I thought how good I'd felt hugging Caleb back. In the darkness of my room I whispered to myself, "maybe one day, just maybe."

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