Charlie Imagine

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Laying on the newly clipped lawn behind the bunker, you listened as Charlie read the Fellowship of the Ring to you. You loved the way her lips moved around the words, the way her eyes scanned the page, even though she had it almost memorized. You held her hand and rubbed the back of her palm with your thumb from time to time.

"Hey," you heard Dean call. He came up the hill, holding a basket. "Packed you guys a lunch."

"Oh, thanks," you said, sitting up and smiling as he handed it to you. "You make this?"

"Sam's the cooker."

"Chef, you mean?" you teased, smiling and raising your eyebrows. "Tell him thanks, and thank you for bringing it out here."

"No sex, okay? Not outside. That's just gross."

You smirked. "We'll make sure to do it in the library."

He laughed a little. "Have fun, kids," he said, walking away.

"Nice of him," you said, starting to unpack it. Sam had even packed a blanket.

"Yeah," Charlie said. "What's in there?" She leaned closer to peer inside.

"Sandwiches, strawberries, pretzels, and, look." You smiled as you pulled out a little bottle of champagne. "Cheap alcohol."

She smiled, getting two plastic cups from inside the basket. "To us," she said, pouring it.

You picked yours up, clinking it with hers. When they touched, a crack in the bottom of yours opened, pouring champagne all over you.

You laughed, setting the cup down. "Now I'm all wet," you said, smiling.

"Wet for me already?" Charlie teased, smiling. "No ones around. Just take off your shirt."

"Charlie," you said in mock shock. "I can't believe it." You smiled, and she leaned forward and kissed you gently, pulling it off and tossing it aside.

"Much better, Commander Spock." You smiled.

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