Sam Imagine Part 3

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You banged on the door to Kevin's boat, using the secret knock.

He opened the door, but stopped, his mouth hanging open. "(Y/N)?" he said. "I thought you- the hellhound!"

"Kevin, let me come in, please."

"Yeah! Of course! Come in!" He opened the door wider, and you came in, grabbing his uneaten sandwich and taking a huge bite. "I was gonna eat that!"

"I've been trapped in hell, Kevin. Let me eat the goddamn sandwich."

"You were what?"

"How long was I gone?"

"I don't know, a year?"

"It felt like 100." You looked away, finishing the sandwich. A picture on his fridge.

Sam and Dean, smiling and sitting on the dock. Sam and you, you head thrown back, laughing, Sam smiling hugely, his arms around you waist, lifting you off the ground. "Sam...where's Sammy?" you asked.

"I don't know. I can call."

"No, let me. Give me the phone."

He handed his cell to you, and you dialed. It rang and rang before Dean picked up. "Kevin?" he said. "Everything okay?"

"Dean. God, it's so good to hear your voice again."

"(Y/N)?" he said. "Oh my god. You're...alive."

"Is Sammy there?"

"Sam? No...uh, Sam..."

You froze. "No, Dean. He's not- he can't be-"

"Dead? No, no. He moved into your apartment. He stopped hunting."

"Where are you right now?"


"Come pick me up."

"I'm on a job."

You slammed my fist into the table, making Kevin jump. "I don't care where you are, Dean, get your flannel covered ass over here and pick me up!" you shouted.

"Okay, okay, I'm coming," he said. "Calm down. I'm coming."

"Please hurry, Dean. I need to see Sam. How is he? How has he been?"

"Not the same. He needs you."

"God, I missed him. I'm gonna hit the hay. Bring me the usual when you come, okay?"

"Fish fillet with fries?"

"Extra sauce. And a McFlurry."

"Got it."

"Wait, bring me one of those pies, too."



"On my way."

"Thanks, Dean."

You heard the smile in his words. "No problem. Great to have you back. Sam...Sam will be so glad-"

"Don't call him. I wanna surprise him."


"I'm gonna surprise him. Don't tell him. He'll hate waiting."

"Yeah. He will."

"Thanks, Dean. Gonna hit the hay."

"You're at the boat?"


"'Kay. Bye."


• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

You woke up and Dean still wasn't there. You ate some more of Kevin's food and looked over newspapers to see what had gone on in the past year.

Someone knocked at the door. You flew to open it, throwing your arms around Dean. "Hey," he said, laughing a little and hugging you back.

"Dean." You let to after a long time, ushering him in and taking the food. "Thanks."

He smiled. "You're welcome. Let's eat on the road. You've got a Sammy to reunite with."

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