Castiel Imagine

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You snuck out of Castiel's room in the bunker. You'd been dating for a few months, but the Winchesters didn't know because of one key secret.

You were a demon.

The body you were in was of a young woman who'd been in a car accident in her childhood and had been in a coma since. You'd possessed her as her family pulled the plug.

As you walked down the hall, you felt yourself not able to move further.

Looking up, you saw a devils trap on the ceiling. You cussed, whisper shouting, "Cas! Cas!"

You knew he'd been asleep, but you didn't want anyone to hear you. You groaned, realizing you'd left your cell in his room. "Cas!" you said louder.

A door closed down the hall and you cussed again. Dean paused as he saw you. "Who the hell are you?" he said, pulling his gun.

"Stop!" you said, holding up your hands. "I'm...I'm Cas's girlfriend."

The gun lowered a little. "Then how have we not met you?"

You looked up and he yelled, "Sam! Bring the knife!"

"No!" you said. "Please, no! Just get Cas! Let him explain!"

"What's all the commotion?" Cas asked as he came out of the room. "Dean! Put the gun down!"

"What's going on?" Sam asked as he came in, holding Ruby's knife.

"Found Cas's little girlfriend," Dean said. "She's a demon."

"What?" Sam asked.

"I trust her," Cas said, using his powers to break the devils trap. "You should, too."

"She's a demon!" Dean said.

"But she's not hurting anyone," Cas said. "Just let her be."

I hope you liked it!

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