Chapter 6: Reasons

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We walked into the hospital to see Bailey there in tears.

"Bailey, is she alright?" I asked, and she shook her head.

"They have to pump her stomach out, and..." she broke down again.

"It's okay. You don't have to say it," I comfort her, and she started sobbing on my shoulder.

"She lost a lot- a-a lot of blood. She's out cold, and..." she broke down again.

"It's okay. Take your time," I said patiently, but no more responses.

"She overdosed?" Ben asked, and I nodded.

"Most of the pills," I explained, and they started to look nervous.

"Did it hit her that hard?" Brent asked, and I shrugged with memory of her on the floor.

"She probably was depressed that day," Hayden suggested, but Bailey shook her head.

"Let's not forget, one little thing can bring her down like that," I reminded, and they just paced around.

"So it was probably just the tweet?" Ben asked, and I shrugged.

"You don't know what's going through her mind," Bailey sobbed.

"I find it funny how Bailey is crying for Amber, and she hated Amber a months ago. That's true friendship," Brent complimented, and we all glared at him.

"Not now," I whispered at him. We were waiting until more news, so all that heard was Bailey's sobs.


It's been almost an hour, and I seen Andy rush in with Alana. He wasn't drunk anymore for some reason, but that wasn't my concern.

"I heard what happened to Amber. Is she okay?" Alana asked. I glanced at Bailey, and she was an angry looking tomato.

"Can we see her?" Andy asked.

"You have no right to be here. Not at all," Bailey shouted as I tried to pull her back.

"Bailey, look at me," I said calmly, but she refused.

"You're the main reason she did this to herself. Both of you are! You don't deserve to be here," she spat as she was ready to charge at them.

"Bailey, please. Lower your voice," I warned, and she was calming down a bit. She started pacing back and forth.

"I don't think Amber wants to see me. I think I'll make it worse," Alana said leaving as Andy stood right next to the couch.

"Honestly, you should go with her, Andy. She wouldn't be happy, but more like angry," Ben explained, and he looked sad as the frown curved on his face. He turned to leave, but one thing came to mind.

"Hold on," I stopped Andy from leaving.

"Yeah?" Andy asked as his face suddenly lit up.

"How did you find out?" I asked him, and he tensed up. He wiggled his fingers as he then scratched his head.

"We decided to visit her house, and we saw...things," he answered, and Bailey quickly snapped her head at him.

"Who gave you permission to go into my house?" Bailey snapped, and he started backing away. I stood next to Bailey before she starts to hurt others.

"Look, if Amber hasn't told you anything yet, then it's better for me not to say anything," he said lastly before he ran off.

"Amber doesn't hide things from me anymore. Either he's lying..."

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