Thee Brave

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''Scared ... but brave ?

but How can that be?

Thats impossible but possible

Scared of nothing but Brave to everything

Everthing as in life greatest depts. i am the great redder. im so mighty and high. Get on thee knees and worship me shall i The Great Redder am your leader.

Spare me your last words ... on what would you say? if somebody said your not so high and mighty ill prove it to the world one day!!I am high and mighty!! lien words that you say. Im your leader , you say such thing you shall not stay!

I shall return and hang you by your neck because all leaders have flaws .... I will show the world i bet.

He shall not return eh?! indeed that have prove my leadership im here to stay.

I have returned to bring you to your knees. Your scared of the little care free thing like me ha! I laugh at your pitty, your nothing but trash. Im mighty and high! Im not scared of god himself !. collect his head and put it on my shelf

Your scared of the truth. Because you lie so offten.. you start to believe ... You start to not see reality. You say you high but your really low. Lower than me or the devil himself. You are trash . You are not mighty . You are nothing . You fail to excised. So there for off with your head !!!

Off with his head he went. because the people .. like in his eyes was blind to see .. until somebody shines a light in the darkness of the deep sea......''



''um blu?''

'' ya this she .. who dis?''

'' Magic'' she said sofly but cute.

''oh wassup girl how you been you good ?'' I said a little bit more happier then tended to be.

''im good just felling alittle sick''

'' damn that sucks kid''

'' um I was wondering if you wanted to hang out?'' she said so low that sounded like she was saying it to herself therefore to me.

Damn im glade she asked before me. '' ya no problem friday around 7 ish?''

She chuckled. damn she so damn cute, her laugh even have me wet a little.

''whats funny?''

'' you didnt say where blu..'' she said letting a laugh burst through.

damn '' oh shit umm ya dinner?'' I said relizing how dumb my ass sounded.

'' um sure ummm im tired see you on friday .. good night'' CLICK.

Damn I heard her blush through the phone. Well friday yo ass better hurry up so I can see this women. Naw ... my women.

 Happy ass fuck not even knowing why. I stopped my story and closed me lap top.

''Gotta go shopping to look cute for bae good night journal''

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2014 ⏰

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