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"When I met you I swear my heart stopped. I don't know why"

I introduced myself and Greyson but he just rolled his eyes walking away to the bus we loaned for the trip. I shook my head and turned to all of them. There was a girl though who stuck out. Something about her made me nervous about this whole trip. Odd.

I walked to the bus and the group of people followed. Suddenly this redhead walked up to me and held my arm. Weird.

"Hi, Lannan right?"


"I'm Rylie. By the way, I love your accent"

(IzKatiebug I know, I need to shut up about her but currently, she's pissing me off so shhhhhh. Plus she'd be perfect haha)

"Alright. Cool"

"Are you Australian or did you teach yourself to talk like that"

"Um, I'm Australian. It's just how I talk"

She started laughing. I slowly cringed at that. It was a fake forced laughter. You know, those kinds of girls who try to sound cute but sound like a dying cow. That. Plus I didn't even say anything funny.

The girl I was starting at earlier passed me laughing with some other girl. Probably her friend. I couldn't stop staring.

"Hey, what's up? You seem distracted" she said quietly and leaned close to me. I kinda backed up and kept walking to the bus. She was really getting annoying. I got in the driver's seat and Greyson sat there with a weird look.


"You and that girl. It was disgusting"

"I know," I said and started the car. This was gonna be fun.

Sydney and I got in our seats and I looked out annoyed a little. This was gonna get old real fast. We started to drive when I spotted a hill.

"Oh my God, Syd, look at that hill! It would be amazing to go down!" I said excitedly and she rolled her eyes.

"No, that would be dangerous"

"Eh, oh well" I shrugged. I kinda wanted to go for a little joy ride.

I looked up and saw that Rylie girl was alone. Sad. I looked over a bit and saw that one girl point at the hill with a smile. I got a small idea. I drove up it and Greyson looked at me with a raised brow.

"Lenny, don't try it," he said and I smirked and sped down the hill.

"OH MY GOD STOP!" I heard Rylie yell. On top of that, I heard a laugh.

"Oh my God! Yes!" I heard someone laugh and I looked up seeing her laughing.

Once we got to the bottom everyone was still holding on for dear life. Except for that one girl. She seemed happy.

"You idiot," Greyson said and I smirked.

"Stop being grey, grey"

He rolled his eyes and soon some people stood up. They got off and walked away. It was just me, Grey, the one girl and her friend, Rylie, and some others. Fun.

"He's fun" I heard the girl say quietly and her friend just rolled her eyes.

"Whatever Win. That wasn't safe..."

Win. Huh. Probably a nickname.


"You're dumb," she said and the girl named Win just laughed.

"I know"


We soon got to the small little houses and I got out along with Grey. I helped Win out along with her friend.

"You know, you're fun," she said and smiled. I smiled back.

"Why thank you love," I said and she blushed. Cute.

"You're reckless you know that," the other said.

I smiled.

"I know"

She walked away and then came Rylie. I walked away quickly and so did Greyson. I guess he kinda didn't wanna be here. Oh well.

We walked over and I saw Win's mouth drop.

"It's beautiful!" she said and I smiled. She was adorable.

"Ew, this is nasty," Rylie said and Win glared at her. I laughed.

They both then looked at me glaring and then Greyson laughed earning a small smile from another girl. He then stopped and turned back into his stone cold self. I rolled my eyes and walked over to Win and her friend.

"I don't think I caught your names," I said looking at Win. The other girl chuckled and poked Win. She rolled her eyes.

"I didn't throw it," she said and picked up her bags. Quickly I took them from her along with her friends and walked over to the house she said was beautiful.

"I can carry those myself British!" she yelled and I rolled my eyes.

"Sorry love but too bad," I said and she rolled her eyes back.

I went into the house putting the bags down when I ran into her. She pushed me a bit and shook her head.

"Why are you so clumsy British" she snapped and I got close to her with a smirk.

"I'm not British love. I'm Australian. Get it right"

I saw her cheeks turn a bright pink and she shook her head walking away.

"Just leave," she said and I smiled walking out. Greyson looked at me and smirked.

"You like her"

"No, I don't"

Secretly I did.


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