Tylucium- Titanium forged by Pele, dunked in the sea by Nāmaka, and covered by Puea's darkness; kills monsters easilyKa nū (Portal)- Mackenzie's sword's name; Ka nū can make portals
Ka Hopena (The End)- Koa's dagger name; Ka Hopena is made of tylucium
Kū- God of war (Koa's Father)
Kunuiakea (Kū the supreme one)
Kupepeiao-loa (Big and small-eared Kū)
Kuholoholopali (Kū sliding down steps)Kāne- god of forests, nature, trees and medicine
Miss. Lele- Pele in disguise
Pele- Goddess of fire, and volcanoes (Koa's Babysitter)
Haumea- Goddess of birth and children; mother of Pele
Kanaloa- God of water (Mackenzie's Father)
Nāmaka- sea goddess, sister of Pele
Laamaomao- God of winds (Aaron's Father)
Wakea- Father of the Earth (Nathan's Father)
Hina- goddess of the moon
Kahō'āli'i- god of the underworld
Kalamainu'u- lizard goddess
Main Characters
Koa- the main person; Koa means 'warrior'Mackenzie- Koa's best friend; daughter of Kanaloa
Nathan- Koa's crush; Son of Wakea
Aaron- Boyfriend of Mackenzie; Son of Laamaomao
Astro- Koa's enemy; Daughter of Papa
Last Names
Alana- Aaron's last nameKane- Nathan's last name
Hale- Mackenzie's last name
Kinai- Koa's last name meaning "fighter"
Kanaka naʻaupō- Astro's last name
Important Terms and Other Characters
Kapua- Term for hawaiian demigodsNanaue- "the shark man"
The Myth Of Koa
AventuraKoa is a special case. Her dad died, and her babysitter who told her of Hawaiian myths is a goddess herself. Join Koa as she journeys across the world, makes friends, makes enemies, and learn to be either buddy-buddy with Gods, or at their necks wi...