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"They used Raven so much that they stopped calling him Jisung"

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"They used Raven so much that they stopped calling him Jisung"

When Minho died, Chan mentioned that the whole family seemed to shift after that. He didn't talk about his wife a lot, for reasons I'll theorize about later, but it was rather obvious she had lost some of her wits after losing her first son. However, they never stopped trying to have a family, and a few years after Minho's death, they had a set of twins named Jisung and Felix. I didn't know much about either one of them as they both died before I was born, but I heard more about Felix as he was my grandfather and his story was used to teach more than one lesson throughout my life. But for now... I want you to know about Jisung.

The two shared a room, and Jisung's half was roped off after his death. From what I know, Felix moved out of the room the night of his twin's death and he never looked back.

Chan mentioned that Jisung wished to fly, even being nicknamed Raven. They used Raven so much that they stopped calling him Jisung and I only learned that that hadn't been his actual name after Chan accidentally referred to him as Jisung and I became confused.

This may seem pointless now, but knowing that all Jisung wanted to do was fly like a bird is crucial for you to understand when you read the poem Felix wrote about him and how the boy died.


The Raven That Couldn't fly... but then did.

By Lee Felix

Mornings were quiet in the house, and Jisung quite enjoyed those quiet mornings. Of course, the quietness never lasted long as soon he would start screaming his head off and running around the house causing complete chaos, but that wasn't really all that important. If Jisung decided to enjoy the quiet for more than five minutes in the morning and then break it with laughs and giggles targeted towards his twin brother, that was his own business.

As if it knew its wings were incapable of flying

The raven crowed and cawd with laughter

To make up for the lack of wind in its feathers

It wasn't uncommon for him to make a mess of the house either. Jisung was a mess, and everywhere he went would no doubt be affected by the mere wind that flies by him when he runs. Of course, his mother and father got onto him all the time about running in the house, but he simply responded with, "I can't fly so I have to do the next best thing! I have to run!" This was said so much that it began to become his motto, his father even going as far as to paint it on his half of the room along the wall.

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