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"All I knew was that Woojin was fucked from the very beginning

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"All I knew was that Woojin was fucked from the very beginning."

Out of all the stories i've been told of the family curse and how everyone lived, great uncle Woojin's still gives me chills to this day. Just thinking about his name alone sends chills down my spine. Great uncle Woojin wasn't entirely right in the head, but that just didn't seem to be the extent of the curse. Later on, a few years after he finally died, Chan admitted that Woojin had been living inside the walls of the family home, watching and listening to everything outside the walls. Chan had tried to reassure me that Woojin really wasn't that harmful, he was a mute anyway and really couldn't hurt anyone besides himself. I think Chan was scared for Woojin more so than any of us and the thought... the thought set me on edge.

    You remember Jisung right? The one who "flew"?

    Well, it seems that Woojin and Chan hadn't been all that different in terms of the boy coming back to haunt them after, except it didn't haunt Woojin the way you would expect.

    In Woojin's eyes, Jisung was a person, a real life being he had to hide. But in my eyes and probably even in yours, Woojin's Jisung was not "raven". Whoever Woojin saw growing up and befriended along the way was either a figment of a morbid imagination or a demon. I'm not sure I want to know which one it was.

All I knew was that Woojin was fucked from the very beginning.



    "Woojinnie.... Woojinnie..." In a narrow, hallway like structure, there were two figures. One could be seen by all eyes and rested in the middle curled up underneath a thick blanket and a few pillows; the other figure could only be seen by the first figure, but hovered over him with a malicious smile that was the only thing that could be seen through the thick dark mist covering a good portion of its face. "Woojin, you need to get up and start the day, hm? Today's a very big day." The first figure, Woojin, flickered his eyes open and a fond, almost maniacal grin spread across his lips that seemingly matched figure 2's. A pale, large hand reached out into the cold air to press against the bony cheeks of the figure and figure 2 only smiled as any sort of response.


"Raven... Do I have to get up now? I was just getting to the three hour mark." Woojin pouted, a high pitched whine but low in volume as to not startle the other residents outside the walls around him. Raven laughed lowly, a laugh that sent chills all the way down to Woojin's toes and it had been a long time since he had that sensation. "Laugh again." And Raven did. Raven laughed three more times so Woojin could feel the electric shock down his whole body and finally get on with his day. Raven took Woojin by the wrist when the human finally got up and off of the floor, feet nothing but the same fine mist that lingered about its face so it more or so glided instead of bounced, and its hands would be the same way if it hadn't been forcefully gripping Woojin.

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