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Chapter 8

He's a hard man to explain but an easy man to love

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He's a hard man to explain but an easy man to love.

Great-grandpa Chan was the light of my very life besides from Hyunjin. He was so ungodly kind and gentle with me even when I felt like I was losing all respect in my body. Chan remained calm, patient, and parently with me when dad couldn't. Chan was... unexplainable in a lot of ways.

The man had been through hell and back his whole life, and as much as I want to write "just like the rest of us" I can't because it's not true. Our suffering doesn't even begin to add up to his own and yet, he's the most stable being I have ever met. Chan was a rock in the sky, large and prominent, trustworthy. Chan was an anchor in the sea, the one feather that stayed when the rest didn't, the reliable bullet shell, the most beautiful view in town, the bind of a book. Chan was structure, he was kind, he was gentle, and he didn't deserve anything bad that happened to him. I don't think any of us did, but Chan had drawn the short end of the stick.

Some of the community deemed him as insane those last few years he was alive, more so than usual, especially when he became more persistent on the curse. Chan practically lived and breathed that curse, and I can't say I blame him either because that man... the amount of pain Chan had to suffer through should have had him breaking a long time ago but he never did.

He's a hard man to explain but an easy man to love.


Dear Jeongin,

Do you remember when you were younger and you asked me what I was passionate about?

There was one thing Chan hated more than the curse and that was passion. Now, that didn't exactly mean he was cold-hearted or cruel to the people he loved. No. Instead, he was quite the opposite. Chan had so much love in his heart it was painful, and he wanted nothing more than to make sure everyone around him was safe, happy, warm, and their needs were met. Chan was practically born to be a guardian, and it wasn't uncommon that foster kids came in and out of his home until they had the twins. Even after Minho died, they kept foster kids when it was necessary and Chan was more than happy to provide a home.

The twins didn't change much, just how many fosters they could take in at a time. Though after Seungmin and Woojin were born, Chan had to, unfortunately, stop his ways. Chan believed in helping people, he always did, but he also believed in the curse cast over his family and that was where his morals butted heads more times than not.

Unfortunately, the will of the curse took over his willingness to help people.

I wasn't really all that sure how to answer. My whole life, I had done nothing but thrive off of people who would only end up leaving me, my family that been burdened with this curse that took their lives far before it should have.

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