Chapter 1

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Lexa's POV

"Thank you for your time," I conclude my speech, cameras flashing and reporters yelling questions as I am escorted off the stage. I plaster a fake smile on my face and wave to the crowd. 

A group of officers escorts me outside to my car.  I salute them before dismissing them and get in my car. It's been nearly six months since I have been back to Polis, the capital. I have been on a press tour for the Navy promoting our agenda and recruiting. I miss my apartment but luckily I'm heading back there now. I have just an hour drive until I am back in the city and I couldn't be more excited. My plan is to drop stuff off at my apartment and then go over to Clarke's. We haven't seen each other for nearly eight months and it was supposed to be longer but luckily her trip got postponed for two weeks. She's my best friend and nothing more at this point. We decided with our jobs it was just too difficult to maintain a healthy romantic relationship. That being said we both haven't seen anyone else. I love her with every part of me but with her traveling for the Army and me traveling in different directions for the Navy, it was too hard. About two years ago I actually almost proposed, looked for rings and everything but that's when things really started to go south for us. I'm excited to see her again though, we planned to watch movies and eat a bunch of food and most importantly sleep. 

Most of the drive I listen to different podcasts and the news. The latter is never something I am fond of listening too but I need to be aware of the situations around me. Before I know it I am pulling into the parking garage. I quickly grab my duffle bag and suitcase from the car. I leave the garment bags that are holding my various uniforms hanging, I'll drop them off at the cleaners before going to Clarke's.  I walk across the skywalk that leads to the building. I pass several familiar faces and greet me with smiles and quick "hello, how are you?". I finally reach the elevator and nod to the elderly ladies whose sole job is to press the buttons to each floor. 

"Miss Lexa, it's been forever," she smiles pressing the 52nd floor. "How are you, my dear?"

"I'm pretty good, tired and glad to be back for a little bit. How have you been?" I ask politely. 

"I've been great. Keeping the elevators running smoothly," she says as the door opens. 

"Well, I'll be heading back down shortly. You stay out of trouble until then Mrs. Rosemary."

"I make no promises darling," she says with a wink as the door shuts. 

I make the short walk down the hall to my apartment. I fumble with my keys until I find the right one and open the door. Man, I missed this place. I sit the keys down on the counter and walk to my bedroom. I throw all my stuff on the bed (I'll deal with it later) and walk over to the window to take in the view of the city. I smile looking out at the town below me, it's such a beautiful place. I moved here shortly after graduating from the academy. Clarke followed a year later after her graduation. I have so many memories from the streets down below and it never fails to make me happy. 

After a few minutes, I head to the shower. I make it quick because I really can't wait to see Clarke. Once I finish I dress in a nice pair of joggers and a long sleeve t-shirt. Mid-Septembers are always a nice chill here. I brush my hair and braid it down the back. I slip into some tennis shoes, grab my keys and wallet and head out. I make it to the elevator and shortly I am greeted again by Rosemary. She talks about one of her grandchildren on the ride down. 

Once I reach my car the excitement really begins to hit me. I drive a little faster than usual to the drive cleaners. I stop by the shop next door to pick up some flowers and various snack foods for tonight. I drive even faster to Clarke's apartment. 

She lives on the edge of town in a smaller apartment. She was never really one to like the inner city, super high-class feel. It's a cute little place with no fancy elevator staff or luxury status. I walk up to her third-floor room and knock. 

"Lexa," Clarke says as she is opening the door, giving me a hug, "Come in I've missed you so much."

"I missed you too," I place the bags of food on the kitchen table and hand her the flowers.

"You didn't need to do that," she says grabbing a vase. 

She sits the vase and flowers in the center of the table. Once she does that she engulfs me in another hug. This one longer. I hug her back, holding her. I begin to feel my shoulder becoming wet. 

"Clarke, honey?"

She doesn't lift her head but responds with, "I love you, Lex."

"I love you too Clarke," She pulls away wiping the tears from her face. 

"Anyway, you ready to watch some movies?" she says with a small laugh. 

"Absolutely," I say following her to the couch. 

She throws me a blanket and turns on the TV. She flips through the various movie networks until she lands on one. I recognize it immediately, The Princess Bride. It's an old movie for sure but it's one of my favorites. She clicks play and then scoots over and lays her head on my chest, positioning herself under the blanket.   

We watch in silence for a while enjoying each others company. Until about 30 minutes in and then, Clarke speaks. 

"So umm Lexa I need to tell you something," She pauses the movie and sits up and so do I. 

"Okay, you can tell me anything," I grab her hand not sure what she could tell me that would make her this nervous. 

"I'm... I'm seeing someone."


Hello! Book 2 might as well start out with a little drama ;) Updates should definitely be more frequent. Thanks for reading 

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