Chapter 30

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Clarke's POV

A lady put on the last bit of my makeup before giving me an all clear, that I can move. We have one day until the wedding, meaning the rehearsal dinner is tonight, however, it just so happens to be the only day that the magazine company could schedule the photoshoot. In a way, it worked out I guess since we will end at the venue, so we will just have to change before everyone gets there. The concept for the photoshoot is really over the top if I do say so myself. They asked for the whole wedding party to be there, which is Raven, Octavia, Bellamy, Murphy, Lincoln, Charlotte, and Aden. We are shooting in two locations today the first is studio and the second is the venue. We have a few different outfits we are going to be in because it was decided this was going to be more than just a wedding edition. They are making a special edition focusing on where all of us ended up and how the mission impacted out life. Aden is just there for the wedding portion, but I believe Lexa is going to try to include him in the photo for her article. I like the idea of them revisiting those 21 days, there hasn't been a group that has gone out for that long. The idea was reevaluated after we came back and they maxed out the length to two weeks, although there are very few that go that long. A lot of parents and civilians threw a fit when Raven came back injured and Charlotte was really sick. I agree with them, I would never want to put my child in that situation, there was too much that could have gone wrong looking back on it. That being said, I would do it all over again for obvious reasons.

I watch as Raven and Octavia finish up their last few shots. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Lexa giving an interview with one of the journalists. She is still in the joggers and sweatshirt she showed up in this morning. I turn my attention to her, watching her as she talks. She looks so relaxed and comfortable. I can't believe I get to marry her tomorrow. I don't get to watch her much longer before a lady is pulling me into the area for pictures. I have a lot of fun, posing and everything. It ended quicker than I wanted it to and then I was whisked off to change outfits. For this one, I'm in a pair of jeans and a white t-shirt. When I walk out of the dressing area, I see Bell and Murphy getting pictures taken with Zoran. I love that they are letting him be in the pictures, he is such a sweet boy and it makes me happy he is confident getting the pictures done. I know it took him a couple of days to come around to the idea but he really seems to be enjoying himself.

"They are cute aren't they?" Lexa's voice startles me.

"Very," I turn around, to find she is in a similar outfit to mine only with a black t-shirt, "You look hot," I don't even try to stop myself from saying it.

She lets out a laugh, "Thanks, Clarke, you don't look too bad yourself," She grabs both of my hands, moving them back and forth.

"You are in a weird mood today. What's up with you?" I ask as she spins me around.

"Oh you know just marrying my favorite human tomorrow, no big deal," I smile at her smile.

"Yeah no big deal," I mock her. She sticks her tongue out at me.

Before we can say anything else, we are being called for our turn for couple pictures. I've never seen Lexa smile so wide for a camera before. She has ditched the whole professional act that she usually has for these types of things. I get distracted by her and forget to focus on my poses. She just seems so young and happy, not something I'm used to seeing lately.

"Clarke, get closer to her," the photographer demands, snapping me out of my daze.

"You okay?" Lexa whispers in my ear when she pulls me in.

I smile and nod in response. Our session doesn't last long and then they are on to the next group. I'm finished for this location now so I can sit and relax until we head to the venue. That's where the wedding party will be shot. A bridal company asked us to model some of their dresses and suits, so we won't be in the same thing as tomorrow. They still went with the same navy blue and silver color scheme but different styles.

I have to wait another hour and a half before we leave for the wedding venue. I watch the rest of them, everyone is being pretty goofy. After the last person finishes, we pile into a few cars and drive over. Once we get there the owner of the place comes to greet us. She leads us to a few rooms they have reserved for us dressing rooms and a green room. The photographer, some of the crew and the head of Lexa's management team all have a small meeting about how things are going to work. While they are talking, the rest of us start getting dressed. It takes a bit to get me in the dress. It's pretty and all but definitely not what I would have picked out. I'm that last one to finish getting dressed. When I walk out of the dressing room everyone is standing around. 

"Shit, Griffin," Raven shouts when she sees me. 

"Damn, Woods I'm stealing your girl," Octavia exclaims. 

"Both of you shut up, she is mine," Lexa smirks and walks up to me in her uniform, "You look beautiful," she kisses me quickly. 

I roll my eyes when she pulls away, "I hate all three of you," the three of them look back and forth at each other laughing. 

"You love us," Raven says, giving me an over exaggerated grin. 

"Only a little," I make a face at her.

"I'm surrounded by children I swear," Charlotte says slightly annoyed, "Are we going to go get these pictures or what?'

We all laugh before agreeing with her. We walk down to the area they are taking the pictures and meet up with the boys. They are similarly dressed to how the will be tomorrow, grey suits and navy ties. The first set of pictures is the whole group of us. We do the typical group wedding party photos. After those were finished every one, but Lexa and I left. Charlotte and Aden are in charge of the rehearsal dinner tonight so they needed to go get things ready. The rest of them wanted to put comfortable clothes on. Lexa and I finish up our pictures. I swear towards the end she was tearing up. 

"Clarke," she says when we get back to the dressing room and it is just the two of us. 

"Lexa," I say back with the same tone of voice. 

"We are really doing this?" she says as a question, I pause what I'm doing, half undressed, to wait for her to explain more, "We are really getting married, tomorrow. My mind is just trying to process the fact I actually am going to be your wife. You sure this is what you want?"

"Is this what I want? Lexa, you are crazy to doubt for a second I don't want this. I'm marrying you tomorrow, there is no question about it." I drop the dress to the ground and walk closer to her. 

"I just can't believe it's actually happening, I've been thinking about it for years. Everything is coming together and I'm just waiting for someone to tell me this isn't real. It's just too good to be true," She sits down in the chair beside her and I kneel down next to her. 

"Baby," I look at her eyes, "This is real, I promise." I lean in and kiss her.

She kisses me back as a few tears roll down her face, happy tears. 


Hey, wedding chapter is next, I wanted it to be Lexa's POV. I promise the next update won't take as long to publish. Sorry, I've been really distracted recently (I'm low key falling in love :/). Anyway thanks for reading! Hope you all are doing well :)

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