Chapter 28

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Clarke's POV

"Stop," Lexa swats my hand away as she rolls over on the bed, I can't help but giggle at how cute she is when she is sleepy. 

"Baby, I'm going out now. If you change your mind and want to join us give me a call," she nods her eyes still shut, "I love you," I give her a kiss and make my way towards the door. 

I hear her mumble what I assume was her returning the phrase. I smile to myself as I close the bedroom door behind me. Today is New Year's Eve and the crew invited Lexa and me out. I didn't even fight Lexa when she said she was too tired to go. Everyone understood as well, she has been working non-stop for a while and she really just needs a break. I can tell she is stressed out, even though she pretends everything is fine. I'm waiting for her to finally break down and confide in me but her pride is still holding out. She is getting close though, it wasn't like her to ask if she could stay home to sleep tonight. Part of it I think was that she didn't want to go out to party is because our group tends to get pretty wild and I think she is trying to maintain her image. When I asked her if she needed me to stay home, she shut the idea down quickly, even when I tried to argue. So I decided to go out but told her I would come home anytime if she needed me.

I walk outside, the weather is cold and windy. I pull my coat collar up around my neck as I walk down the road a little to Raven's car. I climb into the back, sliding in next to Lincoln. The group is actually smaller this year, Bellamy and Murphy are staying home with Zoran and Charlotte is putting in a shift at the hospital. So I guess it is just going to be the four of us unless Lincoln is bringing a girl and I just don't know about it. 

"We are going to pick up one more person if you don't mind?" Octavia says as we pull off. 

"I don't care the more the merrier," I wait for her to tell me who it is but no one talks, "Is it a girl for Lincoln?" I nudge his shoulder. 

"No, no girl for me," he rolls his eyes, "Buy guys I think you should tell her before we get there," his voice sounds concerned, which makes me worried. 

"Babe, you want to do it?" Octavia asked Raven but she shakes her head, "Fine, we are picking up Costia, remember the girl from the party that had the thing with Lexa for a hot minute?"

"Yes, I remember," I try not to sound too cold, not like it bothers me any way she was never a genuine threat.

"She just didn't have anything to do tonight and we didn't want her to spend it alone," Raven starts rambling.

"Guys, chill. It's not a problem. I have no bad blood with her, she was a part of Lexa's life for a brief moment and I respect that," I'm more snappy than I intend to be. 

"Alright, alright, we just want to make sure," Raven says. 

No one talks until we get to Costia's apartment. She gets in on the other side of Lincoln. We all make small talk and joke around. The conversation between Costa and I is a little awkward but we don't really know each other so that is expected. We arrive at the bar and all pile out of the car. Lincoln booked us a table beforehand so we all sit down and wait to order drinks. Lincoln agreed to be the designated driver for the night, well actually forever because he doesn't want to be completely wasted in case he is called in. I appreciate him very much and I am glad Lexa will be in his hands. Speaking of Lexa, I can't help but continue to check my phone. I feel bad being out with her at home on New Year's Eve. She has called or texted yet so I assume she is still asleep. 

"Clarkey do you wanna dance?" Raven asks. 

"Of course," I'm not by any means drunk but I have and a couple of drinks so I'm feeling confident in my dance ability. 

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