Chapter 13

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Lexa's POV

"Damn, Lex," Octavia says when I walk into the living room. 

"What?" I look around wondering what I possibly could have done in the few seconds I've been here. I check the crockpot of queso in my hand an nothing seems to be spilling. 

"I think what she is trying to say is you look hot." Raven clarifies. 

I don't see anything special about my outfit. I've got on ripped black jeans and a random band shirt I found in my drawer. It's something I would have worn to a party in high school if I'm being honest. 

"Please back off my woman," Clarke says behind me wrapping her arms around my waist.

"I don't even know what you all are talking about. I'm wearing jeans and a t-shirt," I walk out of the living room and toward Bellamy's kitchen. 

I hear them all laughing as I leave the room. The three of them are nothing but trouble when they get together. I place the crockpot on the counter and plug it into the wall. I straightened up the rest of the stuff on the counter before going back to the living room. I grab the bags of chips that Clarke has so carefully placed on the floor. I return to the kitchen but this time I wasn't alone. 

"Are you Zoran?" I say looking at the little boy, whose hands are in the crackers and cheeseball dish. 

"Um, yes ma'am. I'm sorry." He brings his hands out of the bowl, his eyes full of shame, "You're Lexa Woods, right?" 

"Yes, I am," I smile reaching out to shake his hand. "You can eat some of that if you want. Or you can have the even better stuff." I shake the bag of chips and motion towards the queso. 

He smiles before reaching again into the dish getting himself a cracker. "People at school were crazy about you a couple months ago. The girls especially. They would go on and on about how awesome you are."

"Me awesome? Far from it. I just got really lucky." I motion towards my shoulder.

"How is it? Your shoulder. Does it still hurt?"

"Not as much as it did at first. Now it is just sore. It's only painful when I do stuff I'm not supposed to. I should be good to go in another month or so though." At this point, he and I are both leaning against the counter. He is munching on crackers and I have opened the bag of tortilla chips. 

"That's good. I wish I could be that brave. I mean I don't want to get shot but it's so cool how strong you are. I want to take down bad people too. Bellamy said the school I'm going to has a special training program. I know I am behind but I  want to work really hard to catch up to my new classmates. and..." He stops abruptly, "Sorry." His shameful look appears again. 

"Hey, don't be sorry," I kneel down so I am at his eye level, "Don't ever be embarrassed or ashamed of your dreams okay?" I look in his eyes waiting for a nod. 

"I'm not used to being able to ramble like that. Sometimes I just get excited and can't help myself you know?" The smile slowly returns to his face. 

"I do know. But trust me around here with these people you never have to worry about being excited. This is a group of fun-loving, crazy fools and you are going to find it very easy to feel comfortable even if you don't think so." 

"Crazy fools, really babe?" I turn to see Clarke standing in the doorway, she rolls her eyes at me and Zoran and I snicker, "Hello I'm..."

"Clarke Griffin," Zoran finishes, "Sorry, it's just surprising you all think you have to introduce yourself. You do realize you guys are on TV and stuff all the time right? Especially you two. At one of the foster homes, I was at there was this girl there and you all were her idols. She had this box of posters and magazines from when you all were younger. She hardly ever shut up about you all." Clarke and I look at each other, surprised. 

"I guess I never thought of myself like that," I say first. 

"Well now you know," he says.

"ZORAN," Murphy shouts from the living room. 

"Yes, sir?" Zoran says. 

"Oh, you're in here. I was going to come to get you so I could introduce you to these two but I guess you took care of that," Murphy says smiling at the boy. 

"Yes, we did. We are always three steps ahead of you Johnny," Clarke says giving him a hug.

"Don't ever call me that again." He hugs her back, "And Lexa great to see you again." He walks over to hug me. 

"It's good to see you too," I embrace him. 

"Well, we are about to Just Dance going in the living room. If you want to join?" Murphy offers. 

"I love that game," Clarke runs into the living room and I hear a squeal from whom I assume is Octavia. 

"You bitch," Octavia says loudly. 

"I swear I'm only here for the food," I look at Zoran and he laughs. 

We walk into the living room together. I don't mind having a little buddy. Kids don't usually cling to me though. They always go to one of the other girls. The whole motherly thing has never been on my list of personality traits. Besides the fact I don't like children, the idea of raising a child scares me. Zoran sits on the couch in between Raven and I. Clarke and Bellamy are already getting ready to dance. I look around the room and everyone seems super happy and enjoying each others company. 

Everyone takes turns except me. Even Zoran got up and dance a few rounds. "Lexa it's your turn." Clarke and Zoran say at the same time handing me the controllers. I debate whether or not to protest. 

"Ugh, who am I dancing against," I get up reluctantly. 

"Me, babe of course." Clarke pecks me on the cheek. 

"Oh good I can kick your ass," I look at Zoran, "I mean butt."

"Nothing I haven't heard before." He says.

I give him a wink before turning to face the TV. I start off slow, self-conscious and afraid of making a fool of myself. After a few moves though I stop caring and dance. I laugh and giggle as I watch Clarke out of my eye. When the song ends I stand in the final pose. "Told you I'd win," I say before engulfing Clarke in a hug. 

"My turn now!" Zoran shouts as he stands up. Clarke hands him the remote, "Now I'm going to kick your... butt." He teases while he looks through the song selection. 

Everyone in the room has a smile on their face. 


I'm in a writing kind of mood today. May hit you all with one more update before I go to sleep. I thought I would have written more this month but it didn't work out that way. Thank you all for the support!!

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