How you meet

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Present Mic:

Surprisingly, you where All Mights little sister (you where only a year apart). He met you in high school when Toshi introduced you to him and Shota. Let's just say he thought that he met an angel, because you where the sweetest thing he ever met. You didn't even complain about him being loud!!


You worked at the Cat Café, he would come in and ask for a black coffee, took his usual seat next to the window, and played with his favorite cat; Mochi. You always thought that he just came for the cats and coffee, boy where you wrong! (Almost) He had the biggest crush on you, he didn't even bring his sleeping bag out of embarrassment!! (Special reader-chan)

All Might:

You used to be Izuku's babysitter, but you where also his neighbor, so you got to see the him grow up. Recently, he came over with a tall lanky man with blue eyes, and you got curious. You went over to say hi, and asked politely who he was. Izuku introduced you two to each other, and figured out his name was Toshinori, they said there goodbyes and went on there way. Let's just say you both wanted to see each other again.

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