Chapter 10! Page 28!

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Kate Beckinsale pretends to notice Tony Garcia and says Terry great your home like she's sad. Kate Beckinsale walks up to Tony Garcia and says Terry?... Warren is dead?!! Tony Garcia says what?!!! Kate Beckinsale hugs Tony Garcia while crying. Collin Reisenauer yells cut that was perfect!!!!! Collin Reisenauer says now we are going to go film the next scene which has Terry McGinnis at his father's funeral. The main costume guy takes the Terry McGinnis outfit off of Tony Garcia and puts a white shirt, black tie, a pair of black dress pants, a pair of black dress shoes, and a belt on Tony Garcia. The main costume puts a black dress on Kate Beckinsale. Tony Garcia and Kate Beckinsale both follow Collin Reisenauer to the next filming location which is a cemetery. All of the extras sit down. Tony Garcia and Kate Beckinsale sit next to each other. There's a giant hole in the ground. Tony Garcia and some of the extras pick up the casket that they are using as the casket that Terry McGinnis's father is in. Collin Reisenauer yells action!!!!!! The camera guys start filming. Tony Garcia and the extras start carrying the casket over to where the giant hole is. Tony Garcia cries while carrying the casket. Tony Garcia and the extras continue to carry the casket towards the giant hole. Tony Garcia and the extras lower the casket into the hole. The camera guys stop filming. All of the extras leave. Kate Beckinsale stands up. The special effects grabs a shovel and dumps dirt into the hole until it's completely covered. The camera guys start filming. Tony Garcia stands still.

Kate Beckinsale walks up to Tony Garcia and hugs him while crying

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Kate Beckinsale walks up to Tony Garcia and hugs him while crying. Tony Garcia starts crying. Collin Reisenauer yells cut that was perfect!!!!!

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