Chapter 23! Page 66!

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Ted Danson angrily says when I get Amanda Waller's top secret file on what she secretly did with Bruce Wayne's blood I'm gonna use it as blackmail. Collin Reisenauer stops filming. Tony Garcia follows Collin Reisenauer to the next filming location which is the batcave. Ben Affleck walks up to Collin Reisenauer as Bruce Wayne wearing the age makeup. Ben Affleck takes the shoe that is on his right foot off, sticks a rock inside of it, and puts the shoe back on his right foot. Ben Affleck sits down at the batcomputer. Collin Reisenauer says in the scene that we are going to film right now Terry McGinnis meets Bruce Wayne's dog Ace the bat-hound and also finds out more about Jason Todd. The animal trainer gets the dog that is going to be portraying Ace the bat-hound to follow him over to where Ben Affleck is. The dogs sits down right next to Ben Affleck. Tony Garcia stands in front of the elevator. Collin Reisenauer yells action!!!!!! The camera guys start filming. Tony Garcia walks up to Ben Affleck. Tony Garcia pretends to notice the dog and says what's with the dog? Ben Affleck bitterly says this is my pet, his name is Ace the bat-hound. Tony Garcia says okay. Tony Garcia says I have a question... What happened to Jason Todd? Ben Affleck bitterly says he's retired and owns a nightclub. Tony Garcia says was he a vigilante like you? Ben Affleck bitterly says sort of... One day he decided that he didn't want to be my partner anymore and left... He went and became a masked vigilante called the red hood so he could get revenge on a psychotic criminal called the joker for murdering his parents but he ended up getting himself killed. Ben Affleck bitterly says a couple years later a ninja terrorist organization called the league of shadows dug up Jason's dead body and stuck it in a magic pit called the Lazarus pit which is what the leader of the league of shadows bathed in to keep himself young... It brought Jason back from the dead but it also gave him regenerating abilities that caused his body to heal at a very rapid rate every time he got injured and caused him to not be able to age. Ben Affleck bitterly says he was stuck looking like a 16 year old for the rest of his life. Tony Garcia says wow?!! Collin Reisenauer yells cut that was perfect!!!!!! Collin Reisenauer says now we are going to go film the next scene which has Terry McGinnis stopping a group of bad guys from robbing a toy store.

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