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Collin Reisenauer grabs the video camera, yells action, and starts filming. Ben Affleck says it looks like people are trespassing on my property again. Ben Affleck stands up and says Terry get your suit on. Tony Garcia quickly grabs his batsuit. Collin Reisenauer stops filming. The main costume guy puts Tony Garcia's batsuit on Tony Garcia. Tony Garcia and Ben Affleck both follow Collin Reisenauer to the next filming location which is the house that was used as Bruce Wayne's house in Batman vs superman dawn of justice. The group of unknown actors who are portraying the group of bad guys all get into their positions. Tony Garcia climbs onto the roof of the house. The wire hooks Tony Garcia to a harness. Ben Affleck stands in front of the house. Collin Reisenauer grabs the video camera, yells action, and starts filming. The group of unknown actors all walk towards Ben Affleck. Ben Affleck angrily says this is private property!!! The unknown actor who is portraying the leader of the group of bad guys says wow Batman himself?!! Ben Affleck angrily says what do you want?!!!! The unknown actor says that kid involved himself in business that doesn't concern him. Ben Affleck says actually it does, the man you murdered was his father!! The unknown actor says this has nothing to do with you Mr. Wayne... The person we're trying to find and kill is someone you know and her name is Amanda Waller. The unknown actor says she did something that involved your DNA. Ben Affleck angrily says I don't know what your talking about!!!! The unknown actor says you know we can do this the easy way or the hard way!!! Ben Affleck quickly pulls a batarang out of his jacket pocket with his left hand. Ben Affleck angrily grabs the unknown actor by the shirt with his right hand and tries to hit the unknown actor with the batarang but one of the unknown actors grabs Ben Affleck by his right arm. Another unknown actor grabs Ben Affleck by his left arm. The 2 unknown actor suddenly ram Ben Affleck right into the car that they are using as their car. Ben Affleck angrily screams. Ben Affleck manages to grab the unknown actor who is holding onto his right arm by the shoulder and makes him hit the car face first. Ben Affleck quickly grabs the batarang with his left hand and cuts the other unknown actors arm off. An unknown actor who is standing on the left suddenly hits Ben Affleck really hard in the face with his sniper rifle. The unknown actor hits Ben Affleck really hard in the back causing him to fall to his knees. Ben Affleck screams out of pain. An unknown actor who is on the right hits Ben Affleck really hard in the face with his big sniper rifle causing Ben Affleck to hit the ground face first. The unknown actor grabs Ben Affleck with his right hand and flips him over. All of the unknown actors except the unknown actor who is portraying the leader of the group of bad guys all point their sniper rifles down at Ben Affleck. The unknown actor who is portraying the leader of the group of bad guys walks up to Ben Affleck wow Batman seeing you like this just breaks my dam heart?!!!

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