When Neythen finished reading the note, his spirit came back to life. Josh said he was a disgrace. Yet Neythen achieved something that others couldn't. He had powers. And if he believed it. It was real. Neythen closed his eyes. And when he forced his eyes open they became red. And he grabbed his fathers trench coat. With A RED N on the back. He ran outside. And dashed.
At Josh's warehouse at downtown. Caulifla was held hostage. She was held up by 2 handcuffs. These were no ordinary handcuffs. These were energy made handcuffs.
"Look at you. You got yourself in this situation." Josh said. Caulifla went ssj2 instantly. But the handcuffs never gave. "Why don't you let my hands go so I can defend my self properly." Caulifla said clenching teeth. But josh stopped walking around. And gave caulifla a blow to the gut. "Where's the fun is that? They call it torture for a reason." He walked away closing the door. Caulifla still trying to catch her breath. Whispered. "Neythen get here quick. Please." She then grew angry and eventually charged her aura. She then achieved ssj3 which broke the cuffs instantly. She then broke through the cell. And jacked up Josh and punched him through the Lbj building downtown. "You PERVERT." She yelled. Then Knosh came up and punched her to the concrete sidewalk. But then a dark roar sounded. And the 3 of them stopped. Then a dark red blast was fired and Knosh was blasted away and knocked out AGAIN. Caulifla stopped with her eyes shocked wide open. Neythen had some more muscle toned on him. His hair was glowing red. And when Caulifla sensed his ki. It was warm and friendly. "I see you achieved ssj3 huh?" Neythen asked in a smooth tone. Caulifla just blushed " what's with the coat? " she asked. When she touched it. It had a silky texture and she turned hot even more. He had to admit. Seeing her like this is adorable. "Shall we end this my cauliflower" Neythen asked. "HELL yeah. Teach josh a lesson. He smothered me." Caulifla said cracking her knuckles.
It was now midnight and caulifla, Neythen and Knosh clashed. And when it happened. People witnessed the epic battle taking place downtown. It reached the news and people were advised to evacuate immediately. Some videos even made it to YouTube.
Then people would say. "Who is that?" "Is that....Caulifla from Dbs. Who else is that. He is similar to NARUTO." Then the fight continued. Caulifla and Josh exchanged blows. But he also pulled the shadow clone jutsu. And Gave Caulifla 20 more rabbit punches to her stomach. She coughed blood and was sent crashing in the One American building. Luckly Neythen caught her. And they both hit the lobby ground floor. Neythen then turns and notices that caulifla is fading. Out of this reality. "Caulifla NO DONT LEAVE ME AGAIN." Neythen screamed. Then he set her down. Sobbing and when Josh said. " look at you. So pathetic." And when he charged. Neythen went full berserk mode. And all 7 tails of energy bursted. And Neythen powered up causing a shockwave. His hair glowed more red. And his eyes were red to. "I'LL KILL YOU". Neythen growled.

Beyond the screen
FanfictionNethyn loved anime. but loved badass female characters more. he never considered it as a weakneas to him. until his bully Josh Jock busted him out. But on one fateful Friday his life changed as he met his waifu Caulifla in real life. What events wil...