The day she came.

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I found my parents old house. It was still in good shape. Today is now Saturday. I never went to my moms grave till after the funeral. "If only dad knew us." I said and left. I made it home. And cried on the bed. My whole life was fucked. I didn't even bother to eat. I cried my self to sleep. It was now 3am. I shifted but saw a golden light out the window. And then the ground shook from the impact. I looked outside and found nothing.

Time skip to Monday

I woke up and saw someone. A girl. With purple baggy pants. Messy sayijn hair. FUCK. I went under my covers and shook my head. "She can't be here am I going crazy." I then took the covers off. And when I I opened my eyes. Her hues were drilling mine. It was really scary. "Who are you?" She said. I then grew over my fear. "Names Nethyn. I presume your Caulifla correct." She then pinned me against the wall. "How do you know my name!?" She demanded. Then came the hardest part. Telling her her origin and how she came to be. "If you want to kill me over this answer I will let you. My life has been fucked over enough." I grew serious. Caulifa backed off now. "You are from this anime from DBS and lets just say it's everywhere. Especially on Google." I said. "Impossible. Ill kill you show me proof." Caulifla said. "As for proof here it is. I put her name in the Google search bar. And information came up, images. ECT. "No way." She backed away. "What did I say. If you want to kill me do it. My life has already been fucked over. I have no regrets." Caulifla looked at me then summoned a ki blast. "I have to kill you. People like you can't know me. Are you sure you don't have nothing to say?" She then went ssj1. Then it hit me. "Actually yes. I have a couple I just remembered. Last week. I was watching the show. And I noticed you. In your ssj form. I couldn't measure how beautiful you looked. I admired you. Till the end. But if you still wanna kill me do it. My life was over days ago." Caulifla turned to be even more shocked than ever. "You Yet you still want to die. I can't kill you." Tears formed. And my bangs covered my eyes. I felt the same anger bubbling. "Why. You would never understand how much crap I had to deal with. Between my mom dying in a car crash. My dad being a total BITCH. And people jumping me everyday. I can't take it anymore. I never known what love is. I've never felt such a thing. Caulifla droped from ssj. She then had her head down. She then embraced me from behind. My eyes shot open. Was this feeling a sense of security. Respect. And love. I embraced her back. The anger totally melted away. She turned to my ear. "You will never feel abandoned ever again." I let her words heal my wounds. She then broke the embrace and asked "Say you wanna be my apprentice?" "I wouldn't have it any other way caulifla." She shot me a smirk then a gigle. I just smiled out of enjoyment. "God im hungry. You know any places I can get meat, food, anything?" "I remembered how much Caulifla likes meat. As well as how much sayijn eat. I looked around and found a golden Coral gift card. It had 600-90,000 dollars on it. And it was my DAD's. "Well he was useful after All." I then was on my way back to the kitchen were i found her. Devouring jerky sticks. "So I forgot to mention what planet am I on." Caulifla asked. SSSSSSSHHHHHHHIIIIIIIIIITTTTTTTTT. "Your on earth." I said nonchalantly. "Earth? I havnt found Goku anywhere. You better not be lying." "OK THIS WILL BE COMPLICATED TO EXPLAIN IN DETAIL. YOU WILL GET BORED QUICKLY. SO I WILL GO AS SHORT AS POSSIBLE." I said. "Oh ok. Shoot." Caulifla said. I felt my hands vibrate. And red energy flowed. I then drew and explained. "This is Earth prime my universe. Where as your world consists of multiple the earth goku is residing is on earth 7. Yours is 6. And mine is well here." "I'm not bored yet keep going." Caulifla informed me. "I then drew a line between the universe and my earth." This line represents. The screen. Such as Phones. Tablets. Television. ECT. Humans on this world who want to get past this are called Otakus and want to bring Anime in reality." Caulifla then crossed her arms. "Go on " I then continued. "The result of you being here means. That I or some people have brought you here." She then said nothing. But later. "You telling me that fans brought me here?" "Exactly! Alright I know where I can get food." I said. Caulifla then went bug eyed in excitement. "THANKS YOU HAVNT FORGOTEN BUT WHERE????!!" "To GOLDEN CORAL." I said. He cocked her head to the side. "Golden coral??????" She said. Then I plumped. "Its a buffet. WITH MEAT."

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