Nethyn loved anime. but loved badass female characters more. he never considered it as a weakneas to him. until his bully Josh Jock busted him out. But on one fateful Friday his life changed as he met his waifu Caulifla in real life. What events wil...
Neythen then charged at josh. Grabbing his throat. And thrashed josh on the ground. Creating a crater in the street. "DIE" Neythen said. Then used his tails to fight which brought fowarth hands. Tails and clones. Clashes resulted in shattered glass. The fight was everywhere downtown.
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Weaving past buildings and cranes. Neythen who was ahead shot a rasen shuriken. But Josh dodged it but the SHURIKEN multiplied and became 20. They chased josh down. He dodged 19 of them and there was one left. He dodged it comming foward. But Neythen emerged from the SHURIKEN. And drove Josh through the Ashton. Driving him through walls. And through him in the Lady Bird Lake. But then Josh transformed to ssb DARK. His aura was blue with purple lightning while Neythen's was reddish orange. with black lightning. And they clashed again.
Meanwhile back at One American Building.....
Caulifla POV...
I shoved the concrete off of me. And then realized I was fading from this reality. Its already bad enough I don't belong here. Kale is probably worried sick. I went ssj2 and went to the tallest building I can find. I think it was called the independent or whatever. I looked around and found Neythen and Josh fighting. Wait is Josh ssjb? That bastard he reminds me of Goku. But compared to Neythen he looks like he's in berserk mode. Yet its controlled. He's probably stronger than a ssjb. But something is off about Josh. His aura is dark. But once again they clashed creating shockwaves.
3rd POV.
They clashed and clashed in the sky. "Wanna know why I hate you. It was your father who left my parents for years in prison. They then stopped fighting. Neythen clenched his teeth. "HOW DARE YOU COMPARE ME WITH THAT SCUM." Then Josh was taken aback. "You hate him to?" He said. "Of coarse I hated him. When your younger brother came to beat me up. I called Dad to see if he would act like a father. But he ran away. And I had to defend my self." Neythen said. "I never knew. I thought you were just like your man. But you hate him. Hey I'm sry that my bro. Snapped at you. He never knew to." And then another boom sounded. And a blue aura came from the chase building. And then followed an explosion. And guess who it was.both fathers of Neythen and Josh.