Chapter 24

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Thank you so much for over 1K reads!! I love you guys, my goal is complete. I been writing the whole book and I am really sleepy so I didn't have the energy to proof reading. Please understand thanks✌️ sorry if this is a bad chapter

Enjoy the chapter ~Kristina

Zayn POV..

"You and Harry are next in my list!" Is he fucking serious??

Harry and I looked at each other before I left the house heading back to my own place. I see Perrie right beside Lizzy as she breathes heavily.

"Shit are you okay?" She kept groaning, moaning, and breathily heavily.. I picked up Lizzy and rushed her to my car.

After what seem like seconds checking If Lizzy and my baby are safe, I begin crying. I was worried shit about her, what happens if it's time?

I parked at the emergency room parking lot and rushed her in. "Help! My girlfriend isn't doing so good!" They gave Lizzy a wheelchair to sit while the doctors and I rushed in.

They dressed her in a hospital gown while Perrie and I stood next to her, holding her hand.. I was already sweating hoping it wasn't time yet. "Lizzy how long have you been pregnant?" The doctors asked Lizzy but all she kept doing was being in pain.

I told the doctor how much which was about a month. "Okay, the baby isn't doing so good, your being too stress, you need to calm your self. Did something happened to you for the past couple of days?" We all screamed "yes!" Then staring at each other pretty weird.

One of the doctors told me to go outside so he and I can have a chat.

"Okay what's up with her. If I don't find out I." The doctor interrupting me informing me with bad news. "The baby is dying Zaye, she is getting too stress and we can't have that happening. Have a vacation for a couple of days. She doesn't need that much stress over Amber." How the hell can someone get my name wrong.

"First, it's Zayn and second how the fuck do you know about Amber!" I started raising my fist in the mood to punch the doctor, but I knew Lizzy was here so I didn't feel conformable. "I putted the blankets for Amber that's how I knew her. She's a good person you know. She's brave. All she kept doing was cry when we forced Harry to leave the room."

That memory still burns me till this day.


" Sir you have to leave." The doctor informed Harry but he refused doing what he requested. "You have to leave I know she's your love one but visiting time is up sir." Harry got up and ran towards Ambers hospital bed and held her hand tightly. That was the last time I see Amber smiling. Moments later I see multiple doctors holding Harry by the arm pulling him away. "Amber!" He wined hoping she stays awake. "No! You can't do this to me she needs me!" He screams and starts sobbing uncontrobally. He can't control his tears any longer. It was right she died that we all had to leave the room. I got my last glimpse of her before she was gone.

Flashback ended

Lizzy started feeling more pain in her upper body. She started feeling more pain as she kept screaming my name.

I ran back to the room holding her hand, I couldn't bare telling Lizzy the news. She will hate knowing that the baby of hers is dying due to stress.

" Okay your having lots of cramps right now in your stomach. Just go inside a warm nice bath tub and you feel better." The doctor tells us as he writers a prescription of the pill she has to take. "Here you go, take these every three hours. Thank you so much. Have a good day." The doctor left the exam room once he finished talking working with anther patient.

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