Help Me (Maxon's POV)

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(Beforehand Note: I'm writing Maxon's POV from the time the rebels came to where it ended last chapter; also this is a looong chapter :)Enjoy)

I was pacing my room, a common habit I do when I'm nervous. I was trying to mask up the courage to talk to America. I hate how I left things. I should have just told her the truth. I need to tell her the truth. I dont know what to do. I'm conflicted. I want to tell her the truth but I'd hate to ruin the surprise....

The alarms sounded. Oh, God. The rebels are here. You would think I'd be used to this by now; I'm not. In a second there were maids and butlers at my door ushering me to the royal safe room. I ran to the end of the hall, and hit a latch to go down the stairs. My parents were already there, as well as Celeste, Kriss, and Natalie. Where were Elise and America? Just then Elise comes through another entrance, crying. I feel a little bit of weight rise off of my chest. She's alive, okay.

But wait, what about America? Just like that the weight on my chest came back, heavier than before. What if it's to late? What if they got to her? No. Stop, she will be fine. She's going to come through one of the entrance's any second. Then she's going to laugh at me for being so worried. She's going to shake her head at me and joke about being able to kick their buts any day.

I waited and waited.

She never came.

Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. I started to panic. What if they did get her? No, Maxon stop. She was probably walking in the halls, and a guard took her to a nearer safe room. Or she was just closer to another safe room. Or she went to hide in a safe room with her maids. But wait.Oh, god. What if she was walking in the garden?

Suddenly, the door to the safe room flung open, revealing a guard.

"Your Majesty, the coast is clear. The rebels came and went."

Came and went? It has to have been at least an hour. I get up from the corner I was sitting, isolated. It just occurred to me that should have been comforting the girls instead of feeding my thoughts fear. I look over at father. He nodded at the guard and then looked my way. He looked pissed.

I quickly walk out the door, and make a break for my room. I can't deal with anybody right now. When I get to my room I quickly shut my door, but as moments pass a knock comes to the door. America! I thought. I was wrong. As I swung the door open a butler greeted me.

"Your Highness? Is there anything you need?"

"Send Lay America to my room. Now." I say.

"Yes your Highness." he said. With that, he left.

I started pacing back and forth again. I was anxious. I need to collect my thoughts, figure out what to say to America. What if she doesn't want to see me? She did say to give her space. That hurt.

Five minutes have passed when the butler returned.

"Your Highness, we uh.....," he seems to fumble with his words," uh, Lady America is not in her room. We're having guards check all of the safe rooms now. I could feel a pit in my stomach, a lump in my throat.

"Very well." I said as my voice cracked a bit, motioning the butler to leave. I continued pacing.

I had about five more minutes alone with my thoughts, each one getting more an more fearful, when I heard another knock at my door. I spinned around.

"Father." I say rather disappointed. My dread came back to my body.

"Ah, yes son. I have come to tell you that I will be leaving for the trip to new Asia now. I shall be a few months or so."

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