Part 7

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As the lecture drags on I can literally feel Magnus staring at the back of my head. Its making me nervous it's like I can feel his eyes on me everytime I move. It's gotten to the point where I can't stop my leg bouncing up and down. Patricia looks over at me and mouth's to me "you good" I just nod my head this is the longest lecture of my life. I continue to look at the clock and take note I still have an hour left. I groan and focus back on to the professor.

"FINALLY I get to eat" Patricia yells I just shake my head. "Hey what are you in the mood for"? I'm not even paying attention as I watch Magnus walk out the door."Hello earth to Starla" I quickly focus my eyes on Patricia. "Oh um could you repeat that"? "Wow you got it bad" shaking her head in amusement. "Who me, I have no idea what you are talking". I know I'm denying it but let me be.

We make our way to the cafeteria,
Patricia yapping away I just nod to whatever she says. I can't help but look around for a certain guy and I know I'm only embarrassing myself more. "HEY STAR" a voice yells out and I see its Noah waving his hand like a mad man. I grab Patricia's hand and run towards the front of the cafeteria.

"Star slow down there is a reason I never passed gym" Patricia huff's. I look around and see we lost Noah,
good I dont want to be reminded of my embarrassing moment in the hallway. I face forward in the lunch line and I spot my sister with a bunch of people surrounding her, she always was the social twin.

"STAR" I look behind me and come face to face with Noah. "Wow Star you got all the college guys after you" Patricia says giving me two big thumbs up. I quickly shake my head "it's not like that at all". "WAIT SO YOUR TELLING ME ITS OVER" Noah screams and I quickly put my hand over his mouth apologizing to the people in the line. "Best entertainment ever" I send a glare at Patricia as she laughs and grabs a lunch. I pull my hand away from Noah's mouth but not before telling him to stop acting a fool. With a chuckle we grab our lunch and sit at a table that's in the far back of the cafeteria. I introduce Patricia to Noah and they hit it off pretty well, I laugh as I listen to Noah telling a story of how he walked in on his grandparents making out.

I let out a deep sigh as I hop onto the bus. Today was a long day and I actually made friends. A certain someone comes to mind and I think about that smirk he had plastered on his face. It's like my head is telling me to stay away from him because he could potentially hurt me. But my heart says otherwise, oh well I then get a text from sister saying she is going to hang out with her new friends. At least I have the house to myself I sigh as I put my headphones in and zone out on the bus.

Starla Mcfluffbird Where stories live. Discover now