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  • Dedicated to Suzanne Collins, the writer that inspired this book

In my slumber I had the most horrific nightmare. I was in the arena and there was some twelve year old crazed girl who killed everyone. And she was laughing manically while doing it.

She had red crazed hair and her name was Florida. She was very small but smart, sneaky and dangerous as hell.

She raided the cornicopia and grabbed all the weapons, leaving me and everyone else, weapon less. She killed everyone quite quick with a bow, spear, or throwing knives until it was only me left.

She decided that she would end the games with 'a big bang' or whatever and began torchuring me slowly and may I say, very painfully. It took several minutes until I ran too low on blood and my heart gave out.

I died and I awoken with a start. It was still daylight and the clock said it was 4:00 PM. I used enough effort to get out up and about and began to explore the train.

I looked out the window and theres wheat as far as I can see. It goes beyond and past the horizon and as I continue looking at it, I feel a small amount of pressure on my right shoulder. I look back and see none other than the world famous Cato.

This is exactly what I needed. Another interruption from the snog frog. I look up at him, he being way taller than I and ask drowsily, "what?"

"You're up, it's about time. Our mentors think of you as 'extreme sleepy girl' now and believe you got no shot of winning. I tried convincing them otherwise, but they won't listen to me."

"I don't need them. I guess I'll just prove them wrong with my survival skills in the arena, my training score, and the actual training itself. They'll see." I smirk satisfied.

"Alright," he responds, uncertain, "why don't you try and talk them out of it?"

I shrug. I'm sure my training score and the kills I will be making they'll change their mind and see what I'm capable of. But... It would be fun to see them gasp and squirm. Just because of their doubts.

"Know what?" I tell Cato, "maybe I will." And I storm off down the other rooms of the train.

I find the room that my mentors, last year's winner, Tyler Lockley and the winner of 6 years ago, Lana Davis sitting down at the table, talking amongst themselves. I walk in, unnoticed. I glance over at a picture of the woods. The text at the bottom says "in between 12 and the ruins of 13" and see a cabin in there, clearly just for show. I then I sit down without saying a word, clearly uninvited.

They look up from their conversation and stare back at me uncomfortably. I slowly pick up a knife and stroke the smooth part, careful to not cause any blood to flow before the games. I need to stack up on that.

Lana tries so make contact with me and nicely says "Clove is it? I'm Lana and this is.."

I interupt her introduction because I know who she is and I'm pissed off at her at the moment. I fling a knife on the picture of the woods that's on the other side of the room. It hits the doorknob of a cabin that's in the picture, exactly where I wanted it to go.

"I'm sorry, I'm confused," laughs Lana, "but that was awesome though, you're a real champ," she finishes grinning.

"Cato says you weren't going to sponcer me because I fell asleep," I explain.

Now Tyler laughs, "I know how exhausting the reaping is. Don't worry about your sleep. Just because Cato said you wouldn't be sponcered because of that, don't mean you won't. I still can't believe you believed what he said. We told him to say that, I'm sorry." He continues to chuckle. "I know what your capable of, I've seen you before in the training center! I've only won a year ago, you know!"

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