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/Louise's P.O.V\

My alarm goes off. I grunt and go back to sleep.

"Wake up." I hear Alex say softly, "WAKE UP!" She then yells in my ear.

"Dood I was awake! You didn't need to yell in my ear." We laughed. "What time is it?"

"9" she replied.

"Holy crap!" I shouted" I have to go pick up Pepsi at like half 9."

"I'll will leave you to that. I have to go anyway, I am go out with zach (her boyfriend) and Jordan and his girlfriend at 12. See you later."

Now you know why it is awkward, Jordan already has a girlfriend. This snoby girl call Tasha.

I didn't want this to get in my way of enjoying my day. I was going to pick up up my new puppy Pepsi from the vets soon!

I hear my phone ping. I grabbed my phone to see who it was. It was zach. Zach was one of my closest friends, we know everything about each other.

message form zach:

Do u wanna record mcsg now.

i look at my clock 09:08

i send a reply to zach:

Sorry can't got to pick up Pepsi from vets maybe later,  sorry.

I walk over to my closet and pick out some clothes to wear. I choose some high waist skinny jeans and a coral crop top. I Put my make up on lightly.  To top it off i do my hair in a simple pony.I finally make my way out the door and down the apartment building to my car. I could pick up something to eat on my way back. I find a parking space and park my car. After10 minutes I walk out the vets with a hyper puppy. I put him in the boot, making sure that he's settled and make my way to Starbucks.

When I get back home, I let Pepsi explore the new soundings.I go to my computer in my office To record a cube episode. I had managed to get on the cube because of my close friendship with Zach.

" Hey guys, It's Pepsi Cola and welcome to the cube! So to day we are going to make a new shop at spawn. We are going to make a pet shop with stacy, yay!"

After the recording had finished me and Stacy were just on team speak.

"Stacy I have this friend who likes her roommate/best friend's brother, but, he is going out with a snobby girl. Do you have any advice for her?" I asked.

"So you like Jordan do you?" she figured it out.

"Yeah, Alot."

"well yo-"

"Yo yo yo, so who are you two bitchin' about?" it was Zach.

" Graser" I shouted. "You can't just do that."

"What?" He acted surprised.

"Bayani" Stacy blurted out.

" What about Bayani" Zach questions.

" Louise likes him, a lot " stays says.

Jordan unmutes "Is that true Lou?"

"Yeah" I cry. I quickly Log out of team speak and run over to my bed.

~~~Cliffhanger!So I wanted to get this one out early if you are lucky i might put out another chapter later on to night. Thanks.~~~

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