Dear Diary, (3/3)

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Dear Diary, this is going to be my last chapter. I'm going to explain everything what happend to me in  the past months.
1. My moms still in a comma and she's not going to wake up anytime soon.
2. My boyfriend has left me and I'm 99,99% sure I'm over him.
3. Sofi and merel aren't my friends anymore.
4. I graduated and I'm going to the university of seoul. Everything is settled.

I can't wait to start my life all over again. I got a call 4 months ago about what I wanted to do after highschool. There were a few options like NYC, UvA in Amsterdam or seoul national university.

I always wanted to travel to the Netherlands since my father used to live there but idk. I chose for seoul because my mother would prefer that.

I'm not going to talk about Merel and sofi. they are not worth my time.

Well goodbye diary, goodbye forever...



The door lock was shaking, y/n is coming home...  I closed the diary immediately and put the book back in the corner.

"I'm home!" I saw how she smiled brightly, how can she smile that big?

"Y/N we need to talk..." I pointed to her diary. Her smile faded away, she suddenly became serious. Her stare gave me shivers down my spine.

"I'll explain everything," She walked towards me with this bad ass walk. When she sat down, she cried a river.

"I'm sorry hun. It wasn't my -"

"intention? Why did you read it in the first place?" We both looked down in silence. "Well..." I scratched the back of  my head.

"I only have some questions." She nodded her head as allowance. "Is your mother okay? Was the baby of your ex-boyfriend? What's the name of your boyfriend?"

Ofcourse I had more questions, but the thing was that I couldn't ask them. I already asked enough for her to handle.

"she's still in that comma. Yes and his name was john-." I saw her try sepsking out his name. She just couldn't. She couldn't without crying and being disguised.

"Was his name johnny?"









Hi babies I'm sorry it took so long to make this chapter. I'm not going to make up something because its just me and my lazy ass. I fucking hate myself

Xxx admin

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