chapter 15

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I'm laying in bed, thinking about the things that happened since I moved here.

Everything has been going great since I moved in with t10, I've been living with them for 4 months. They are so supportive and they did everything to make me comfortable on mu first day here. I became close with everyone.

Dance is amazing, people are incredible, and whenever I dance in front of them they are amazed, it's like a family just like in Fresno.

I've been going to school everyday with Aj and Alex. I met Bailee, Alex's girlfriend, it's been one year since they have been going out together.

I see Bry, Tristan, Kayla and Kai everyday at school, even though we're really boring sometimes, we try to make time on the weekend.

"Tessaaaaaa !!!" Jake and the Martinez twins all said really loud pulling me out my thoughts, as they opened the door and after 10 seconds they were out of breath. They just looked at me.

"Umm, why are you guys here ?" I asked.

"Oh, we just came here to tell you that we were gonna go around LA later today." Ivan said.

"So don't forget about it, okay it's important." Jake said and I saw Emilio chuckling in the corner of my eye and then they all started laughing but I didn't.

"It's not important, we were joking, we just came here to annoy you, we didn't know what you were doing !" Jake said laughing but I just smiled. "But we are really going around Los Angeles this afternoon." And with that they left.


I was back from my run with Erika and we were now making smoothies while laughing and talking.

"Do you know what you're wearing tonight ?" She asks as I was finishing my smoothie.

"We're gonna walk in L.A, right ? Wait we're not going to a party ?" I ask slightly worried.

"No !!!" Erika laughed and I joined her after that. "Oh. Who is it ? I thought we were all in the house." She said after hearing the doorbell. She went to open the door but no one was there.

"Well, that's weird." I said and she nodded in agreement.

We looked one last time to see if there was anything on the ground or of people were hiding when suddenly a noises ringed in my ears and I fell to the floor scared.

I saw Jake and Aj coming out of the office with an other guy that I'he never seen before.

"Tessa, you should have seen your face, it was so funny, I still don't understand how can you be so scared !" He said laughing. "These are my best friends, Chance and Anthony." He said as he introduced them.

"Nice to meet you guys !" I said smiling at both of them.

"I'm gonna show them, their room and then we are leaving." Jake said leading them upstairs .

10 minutes later, they came back down and we were leaving.

We went on a walk, and there were some places that I've never been to.

At the end of the day, we went to a restaurant. I was sitting next to Chance and we got to know each other a little better and surprisingly, we had a lot in common.

I think that we can be good friends.

This is a boring and short chapter sorry but, anywayI hope you are having a great day and that school is going great for you.
I'm sorry for not posting chapters, I will try to write and post them. I love you ❤

Let Me Shine // Tessa BrooksWhere stories live. Discover now