The Games They Play

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Set somewhere between them saying 'I love you' for the first time and before they head back to school... (:


With one hand, Tori shoved a handful of popcorn into her mouth while the other mashed random buttons on her Xbox controller.

She was still somehow managing to kick Jade's ass in a game of Mortal Kombat.

As the congratlated Tori's character for winning, Jade growled and dropped her controller into her lap while Tori cheered and threw her hands into the air.

"Another round?" Tori asked as she reached for her can of Wahoo Punch, finishing it off in one mouthful.

"How about we play something else?" Jade offered, watching as Tori wiped her hands on a damp cloth. One that Jade had noticed her girlfriend would always grab, wet, and use when eating popcorn so she could have clean, non-greasy hands all the time.

"Like what?" Tori asked, grabbing the now empty popcorn bowl and carrying it to the kitchen. She poured the kernels that didn't pop into the trash can and set the bowl into the sink before grabbing two new cans of drink for them both.

Jade grabbed their empty cans, taking them to the kitchen just as Tori was cracking open the new ones.

"Call of Duty? Halo? Something else I can finally kick your butt in cause I play it when you're busy at work," Jade said with a smirk, making Tori raise an eyebrow.

"Need I remind you that I own Call of Duty and Halo. You're the one that introduced me to Mortal Kombat and Assassins Creed," Tori said as she took a sip of her drink before heading back over to the couch, using her damp cloth to wipe her controller down and make sure it was clean.

"Yeah, but I've been practicing..." Jade moved to sit back beside her, looking at the time before diverting her attention to the brunette beside her.

"Sure, Jade. One more game before we turn in for the night." Tori grinned. "I have work tomorrow night and need to be well rested."

Jade nodded and loaded up a game of Call of Duty, sighing happily as she kicked her feet up onto the coffee table.

Tori only smiled as crossed her legs up onto the couch, straightening her back a little, wincing as it popped and rippled down her spine.

"Geez, you good?"

"Yeah, I just need to stretch out before bed tonight," Tori said as she twisted side to side, grabbing the back of the couch when she did to pop her back again.

"Need help?"

"No thanks, Jade. You'll be too bummed from losing the match to want to cuddle tonight," Tori said, a teasing smile on her lips as she winked at her girlfriend.

Jade rolled her eyes playfully before setting up their multiplayer match and looked at Tori. "First to three-hundred?"

"Yeah, sounds good."

With that, the game was loading after they chose their weapons and the map.

Suddenly, their characters were running across the screen in search of each other to get the most kills.

Jade, despite the fact that she could see Tori's character on the split-screen of the game, couldn't for the life of her find the brunettes character.

Even when Tori's character could be seen sneaking up behind her own, Jade couldn't turn quick enough to even be a match for Tori's bullets of the knife she'd keep getting hit with.

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