Live Q+A - Song Sesh.

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Jori - before engagement.

Tori sat down with at the piano, her fingers sliding along the keys slowly before she heard Jade coming down the stairs and she stopped. Turning to face her partner, Tori smiled widely up at the goth.

"Hey, you're awake," Tori said softly and stood up.

"Yeah, I thought maybe we could do another video today," Jade said as she leaned against the edge of the piano.

"What kind?" Tori asked, stepping away from the piano and making her way to the kitchen. She grabbed the already brewed coffee pot and poured a mug for Jade before bringing it back over to her.

"Thank you," Jade said as she took the mug and a sip of the warm beverage before continuing. "Maybe a song? Or another Q and A?"

"What about a Q and A for songs?" Tori offered.

"Oh, that's smart," Jade said and pressed a kiss to her girlfriends lips. "You're smart,"

"Well, you aren't with me just for my looks, are you?" Tori chuckled.

"No, you're right there. I fell for you cause you have a heart of gold, a smile that makes my heart skip, and you stand up to me when you know I'm being a dick. You're all I ever need in life, Tori, and I'm so glad I met you. Even if you were rubbin all up on Beck when we met," Jade said with a smirk before pulling her phone from the waistband of her pyjama shorts.

She went onto their joint Instagram account they made not long after they had made their YouTube account, and after snapping a photo of the both of them despite the fact they were both in their pyjamas still and their hair sleep-tangled.

She began to type a post for the photo.

ItsJoriYo: 1Hr away, live stream Q+A for songs.
E.G. What song makes you feel... or... What song reminds you of...
We'll see you once I've had more coffee. -Jade.


A while later, both girls showered and changed, with new mugs of coffee in their hands, sat down in front of the piano, the laptop on top of the piano facing them.

Jade and Tori pulled their phones out and signal boosted their live stream before they knew it over a hundred people were already viewing, hearts floating up the side of the screen in waves.

"First song question," Jade read aloud as she saw the question on the screen. "One Disney song we both sing along to."

"Well, the only Disney movie I can get Jade to watch without groaning, is Tangled," Tori chuckled as Jade's cheeks heated a little.

"So I guess that song would be 'I See The Light,' right?" Jade asked, thinking about the movie.

"Yeah, you always sing along to that one," Tori nodded as she spoke.

Tori's fingers drifted along the piano keys slowly and she started to play the tune.

Jade began to sing the first verse as she watched Tori play.

"All those days watching from the windows, all those years outside looking in, all that time never even knowing, just how blind I've been."

Tori smiled at her before she began to sing along to the next verse.

"Now I'm here blinking in the starlight, now I'm here suddenly I see. Standing here it's all so clear, I'm where I'm meant to be."

When the chorus came in, both girl began to sing.

"And at last I see the light, and it's like the fog has lifted. And at last I see the light, and it's like the sky is new. And it's warm and real and bright, and the world has somehow shifted. All at once everything looks different, now that I see you."

The tune change a little, Jade picking up the next verse as she rested a hand on Tori's thigh.

"All those days chasing down a daydream, all those years living in a blur, all that time never truly seeing, things, the way they were."

"Now she's here shining in the starlight," Tori sang, smiling briefly at Jade before continuing. "Now she's here suddenly I know, if she's here it's crystal clear, I'm where I'm meant to go."

They both took a brief breath as they took upon the last chorus together.

"And at last I see the light, and it's like the fog has lifted. And at last I see the light, and it's like the sky is new. And it's warm and real and bright, and the world has somehow shifted. All at once everything is different, now that I see you. Now that I see you."

They shared a brief kiss at the end of the song before turning back to the screen to see only hearts flooding across it and old comments.

When they had gained their followers attention, the song finally being finished, new questions started flooding in.

"Jade, what song do you sing when I'm away or we're not talking due to a fight," Tori read aloud.

"Uh, we don't fight all that much, and when we do, it barely lasts a day," Jade said shrugging.

"What about when I'm away?"

"Away where? You're barely away from me," Jade chuckled. "I mean, when you start going away for movies, I'll definitely have one song in mind," Jade continued and started playing a tune on the piano.

Ten Days by Missy Higgins was what Tori registered the tune as.

Sure, it was a breakup song, but she smiled and watched Jade sing with love filled eyes.

By the time the song ended, Tori was beaming as she looked to the screen.

"That would be, Ten Days by Missy Higgins," Tori told the viewers in case they didn't know.

"A song that signifies our love..." Jade thought for a moment before taking a sip of her coffee as Tori started playing a small jaunty tune to signify that they were thinking, making Jade snort a little and swallow her mouthful before laughing.

"Gronk," Jade chuckled and judged her girlfriend.

"For our love, is definitely have to say... Unconditionally by Katy Perry. Jade?"

"Oh, Yeah. I guess that would be it. I really can't think of any other."

Tori cracked her knuckles, making Jade wince before she watched the brunette play and start singing.


When they realised they'd been on the stream for almost two hours, Tori suggested they end the stream for now so they could get some breakfast despite it being almost lunch time.

The viewers weren't entirely happy but sent happy comments thanking them.

When Jade closed the laptop, she kissed Tori's cheek happily pulling her across the stool and into her arms.

"I love you," Jade whispered, kissing her happily.

"I love you too, Jade," Tori said as she kissed the goth before slowly standing up,her stomach growling.

"Come on, let's get some food into that rumbly tummy of yours," Jade said with a laugh and they both made their way to the kitchen to prepare their breakfast.

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