Asgard | Chapter One

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When I awakened, every nerve ending on my body felt as if it were on fire. I tried to scream, as is the reaction of someone in pain, but no sound came out of my mouth.

"You're adjusting to this realm. That is good news."

A small cat coloured bright yellow was crouched on my legs. I tried to scream again, but my throat just felt enflamed.

My body felt numb. I couldn't move my limbs.

"Before you try and speak again, I am Novem, your spirit guide. You have been placed in Asgard, and your soul is currently inhabiting the body of Loki Odinson."

All I can tell you right now is that I was confused. Why was I here? Where had I been prior to this?

I had no recollection of anything, except flashes of empty black and a word that felt familiar -- human.

I was unsure of how I could think in any language, let alone an Ancient Norse one. However, as I soon regained the ability to speak, the answer became clear.

"Why?" I rasped hoarsely.

One word stood for so many things.

Novem looked at me with gleaming blue eyes. I decided I would never trust him.

"I have gifted you with self-awareness. You are able to think in your native tongue, English, as well as Old Norse, which is the language you must speak in here. It is to my understanding that English comes more naturally to you, but you will have no trouble speaking as the Gods speak. Seeing as you are one of them."

The initial shock had sort of worn of by now, and I was just numb. An abundance of nothing coated me with its sticky syrup. As my eyes slipped shut, the last thing I saw was the face of Novem, whose eyes were now purple.

Oh, my.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2018 ⏰

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