Chapter 2

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The sun had yet to rise the moment I set foot outside the village. The cold morning breeze ushered me to return to the Waning Moon Spring, it begged me to stay a little longer. However, the cold wouldn't stop me. It was time to move on.

When I woke up that morning, I found Baal huddled against me. The beautiful man slept peacefully, his face reflecting innocence he certainly didn't possess when he was awake. His braid became undone last night during our shower. His long, pink hair should've been tousled all over but instead looked silky and combed.

Watching him like that made me consider staying here with him, if only for one more day. The clarity rest had given me made me realize meeting Baal had altered my state of mind enough for me to trust him. I couldn't afford that, not after setting out on this journey, not when I knew very well that anyone I became close to would be in danger.

In silence, I got dressed, picked up my things and left a bag of gold coins on my side of the bed. I kissed his forehead one last time before I set off towards the door.

"Didn't I tell you it was my treat, Luke?" His sleepy voice was probably meant to sound mischievous, but it also possessed a sad ring to it.

"I know, take it as payment for dinner." I replied cheerfully, returning to bed and sitting by him. My fingers grazed his forehead while the man gifted me a sleepy smile.

"That's rich." He laughed. The man sat up and stretched, his purple eyes then posing on mine. "Next time, let's both have dinner."

"Are you asking me out on a date?" I teased, my hand cupping his face. He pressed one of his hands to mine and purred. "That a yes?"

"Hmmm, what do you say?" He answered turning his head so that his lips touched my palm. He placed a kiss there and yanked a stupid smile from me, again. This guy KNEW how to press my buttons.

"Yes, it's a date." The words coming out of my mouth were more of a natural reaction. The chances of me returning anywhere were very low... but if I could dream about doing it, I'd love to see him again. "It might take me a while to return... would you wait for me?"

"Hmmm, let me check my schedule for the next couple of years..." He made a pensive face, eyes staring at the ceiling and puckered lips. "Huh, seems like I'm not planning to travel anywhere. So, waiting seems fine."

"Are you serious?" I asked, a laugh escaped me and Baal nudged me on my shoulder. If this stranger was willing to wait for me... wait, what was I thinking?

"I am. You make sure to come back, okay?" He cupped my face with both of his hands and planted a chaste kiss on my lips.


Someone knocked on the door, interrupting our moment. Baal grinned and let my cheeks go. He was going to answer the door. I asked him to remain in bed and went to answer instead. The bartender girl from last night, Uuna, stood in front of me wearing a huge grin on her face.

"Good morning sir, did you enjoy your stay?" she asked and I nodded putting up a pleased smile. "Speechless I see! He is our highest paid courtesan after all! I'm afraid I'll have to steal him from you. He has an appointment with one of his clients in about half an hour... Baal, you heard me?"

"Loud and clear, I'll be ready for her by then." Baal spoke from bed, he sounded a little off. The sweet tone of his voice mellowed and turned dull.

"Alright! Sir, if you're leaving make sure to leave your room keys with Baal. Oh! Here's your cloak, I didn't want to interrupt last night... Thank you for your visit!"

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