6. The Coffee Shop

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The story is continuing is her flashback

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The story is continuing is her flashback.

I searched for Abhimanhyu for while one year but to no avail. It seems as if he vanished in air. I was dying to meet him, to know why he was hiding from me, from everyone after doing all those things. But the rays of my hope were getting invisible day by day and soon it disappeared into darkness.

I was sitting in ony of my favorite coffee and was scrolling my Instagram when I heard some voice that was so familiar and it just took micro seconds to realize who it was....


He was there...

My heart was sinking. A lot of emotions and questions were going through my mind. Anxiety, anger, happiness and I didn't know what name should be given to those feelings.

I stood up from my seat, took my cup of coffee and I stepped towards his direction. I had no idea what I would say, what I will ask him, but I jept moving nonetheless.

Within a moment I was standing behind him, and I called out his name with my shaky voice.

He turned towards me and for a moment I was still. I just stood there in a daze, as still a statue with my eyes fixed on him.

Damn! He looked so smart, still the same as the one in the role of a florist or even better. The same sparkling eyes, messed up hair, completely a heartthrob.

I regained my consciousness as he was staring at me without any expressions.

Before I could ask him anything, he said, "I am sorry I couldn't recognize you. How I can help you, miss?"

That one sentence broke my heart into million of pieces which I guessed no one would ever be able to heal...

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