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Hey guys! So, I don't think there are a whole bunch of people actually staying with this book, but hello to those of you that do, and thank you so much for supporting me and my awful poetry! As this chapter title hints, yes, I am discontinuing this book. I haven't written poetry for a WHILE, and looking back on my old work that I used to be so proud of, I'm realizing it's really not as good as I thought it was. I'm not much of a poet I guess, and I'd rather invest my time in more actual books and writing and leave the poetry to people who want to go down that path in their lives. Poetry just doesn't match up with all my other ambitions, and I don't actually enjoy writing it all that much, so there's really no reason to continue. I will be publishing another book soon containing some more of my short stories (I will be continuing those, they're great writing practice). Again, thank all of you who've stayed with me through this journey of horrid poetry and actually appreciated my work, but all things must come to an end. 


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