•Chapter 20•

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Chapter 20: Birthday Part 1

Third POV

Today was the day.

Taehyung's Birthday.

The day he turns twenty-two to be exact. He had been dreading this day for the past month. But now he feels different. He isn't going to mate with Mina. He's with his mate now. He feels content with life.

"Happy birthday," Jungkook giggled as he ran into the room and jumped onto the unsuspecting boy.

"Thank you," Taehyung grinned taking the boy into his arms feeling the sparks course through his body.

"So what are you doing this morning?" Jungkook asked knowing that he was preparing for the party tonight.

"I have to order people around," he answered letting the boy out of his arms.

"Of course," Jungkook laughed, "I'll be off now I just wanted to be the first to say it."

He smiled fondly watching his mate walk towards the door, "No goodbye kiss?"

"Kiss my ass," Jungkook yelled back.

"Anytime," Taehyung winked at the boy before he shut the door.

Jungkook rolled his eyes and walked down the hallway. As he made his way he saw his brother and best friend in an argument.

"What happened?" Jungkook sighed walking over to the two.

"He won't go the mall with me," Jimin pouted pointing at Yoongi.

"I want to go," Jungkook said eyes widening.

"Now you have a buddy," Yoongi gestured.

"So you are going to let two omegas and one is mateless," Jimin deadpanned, "Go to the mall alone."

"No," Yoongi growled.

"There you have it," Jungkook said, "You have to go."

"But I have to stay and help," Yoongi said trying to argue his way to not go.

"We'll be done in an hour," Jimin answered.

"Please don't make me go," Yoongi begged.

"I can't believe you made me go."

"Oh please, you love us," Jimin sassed.

"Unfortunately," Yoongi mumbled under his breath.

"I heard that," Jimin said swatting Yoongi's arm. Jungkook rolled his eyes watching the couple. When they first got together it took a while for his brain to process that his brother and best friend since diapers were mates. The look on their faces when Jimin turned eighteen was engraved into his mind.

"Come on I want to go shopping," Jungkook whined gesturing to the many stores. They nodded and walked down looking for a store.

"I can't believe they decided to throw a pool party before the actual ball," Jimin complained as they walked into the first shop. The many pack members decided it was a good idea to throw a pool party before the elegant ball.

"I know right it's crazy," Jungkook laughed, "It's not like I almost died yesterday from the water."

"That reminds me," Yoongi chuckled, "You are not allowed in the pool." He said this with the most serious face.

"Oh come on," Jungkook complained as he browsing through some clothes on the rack.

"Just go when he's not looking," Jimin whispered before sending a wink.

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