Chapter 5

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The grip on my hoodie loosens as a long sigh comes out of Eduardo. I get quickly pulled back my Matt as I'm still in shock on why he didn't hit me.
"I-I'm sorry..I didn't mean to upset anyone.."
Tom just shakes his head no then opens the door as Matt pulls me in.
The house was even nicer than I thought...

-Tords POV-
We settled on playing truth or dare, of course it was Matt's idea but my goodness am I glad we're playing.
"Ok I'll ask first." Edd says while opening a can of cola.
"Tom truth or dare?" Edd asks.
Tom groans and picks truth.
"Wimp" I smirk.
"Am not."
"Are too." I glare over at him.
"Shut up."
"Ok ok ok, why are your eyes black?" Edd asks eager to know the answer.
"They aren't black they're just voids. And it's a long story actually, I-"
"So...I can reach my hand in I ask while reaching out to him.
Tom backs away from me slowly.
He shouts while blushing.
"Ok Matt truth or dare?" He asks in attempt to change the subject.
"Dare!" He shouts.
"I dare you to...give y/n your mirror for the rest of the game."
His face turns to regret as he passes it to her. Y/n stares at it for a while, her face growing less and less happy.
"Are you ok?" Edd asks placing a hand on her shoulder.
"I'm great." She says smiling.
"You sure?" I ask.
"Y-Yeah! don't worry." Matt crawls up behind her and lifts the mirror to her face.
"I find you look amazing!" He says smiling.
"Oh look! You're there too!!" Matt chants.
"Tord truth or dare." He says after he finally looks away from the mirror.

-Normal POV-
No surprise Tord picked dare. I always hated the way I looked, full of bruises and cuts. None of my doing of course.
"I dare you to...hug Tom!" Matt shouts.
Tord opens his arms as Tom just stares.
"Pweeeeaaase?" Matt asks.
"No and there's nothing you can do about it-"
I look up at the two of them.
"Pretty pwease....?" Tord starts coughing as Toms eyes widen.
"No!!" Tom can't even finish what he was saying before Tord hugged him.
"Ok y/n truth or dare?"
Tord says smirking.
"Truth, she picks truth." Edd interrupts quickly.
I give him a confused look as he shrugs.
"So who was your favourite all this time." He asks while grinning.
To be honest I couldn't stop blushing around all four of them, they were all so sweet and loving.
Matt was really close to me. My mom would let him sleep over all the time, mainly because she thought he was gay. He let me in on secrets that the four of them shared. But I never looked at him more than a really good friend.
Edd, he was really sweet. He always drew the five of us together, and I was always beside him. Anytime he would try to do anything though, Tord would get in the way.
I study him up and down.
He's grown a lot too, smoking and all. I can see a hentai manga sticking out of his hoodie pocket, and a switchblade. It doesn't surprise me though...after all he..
Tom, he was always trying to defend me. He thought he owed me after one silly time I punched a guy who was bullying him non stop. I can tell he's become more introverted.
I look over at him.
I just hope Edds been taking good care of him.
Should I say anything at all?
"AHAHAHAHA! Wow would you look at the time! I gotta find a hotel! See you soon!" I get up and rush to the door before a hand stops me causing me to trip and faceplant.
I wince in pain.
"Tord!" Tom shouts.
"What? She just got here." He answers.
I just sit there letting the pain absorb into my face, as soon as I thought it was over someone sat on my back quickly.
"You're not going anywhere!" Matt shouts while giggling.

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