Chapter 12

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-Tords POV-
Y/n and Matt walk out.
She was smiling brightly but Matt was frowning and was tense.
She grabbed her flower crown and placed it on before hopping down with us three on the blanket.
Matt hesitantly joined and laid beside Edd.
Something was wrong.

-Normal POV-
I noticed both Tom and Tord staring at me from the corner of my eye. It was silent as I stared up at the stars.
"You guys are the best thing that's ever happened to me." I say while breaking the silence.
"Don't say that..." Tom says disappointed.
"Why not? I only speak the truth,"
I felt the blanket acting up where Matt was sitting.
"You're probably going to find somebody and run off with them."
"You sure? I thought you and Tord could run off to-"
"Shut it!" Tom shouts while tackling me.
I just giggled as I tried to push him off of me. To be honest, it did hurt me but was it ever perfect.
"Looks like you two would be a better picture." Tord says.
I look up at Tom who was sitting on me and pinning my arms down.
The blush kicked in the both of us as he quickly got off.
"Why do you have to make everything so weird?!" Tom shouts preparing to pounce on him.
Tord just smirks and opens his arms. He immediately stops and sits down with a disgusted face.
"Shooting star!" Edd shouts.
We all look up at the sky until I smack my own face at our stupidity.
"It would never last that long guys." I say before giggling a bit.
"Looks like Matt and Edd get a wish!"
"I wish to pass my chemistry test." Edd says out loud.
They all look at me with wide eyes.
"I didn't study!!" I shout while getting up.
"Where are you going?!" Matt shouts as I trip over my shoes.
"To study!!!"

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