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When I heard that my son could die I go to the leader of StarClan and plead. 

"Please don't let my son die"

The leader thinks and says "I will help your son"

"Thank you, Bluestar"

"Your welcome, now lead me to the place where you meet your son when he needs you," Bluestar says, I nod and we head to the spot where we meet, when we get there Ashfur just shows up.

"Ashfur honey," I said going to him.

"Hi mom, I guess it's my time," Ashfur says.

"No honey it's not, I brought someone to help you go back, this is Bluestar and she's going to send you back" he gasps.

"Bluestar as in Bluestar the leader of StarClan," Ashfur says. I nod and he gasps again "it's a pleasure to meet you"

"Well thank you, young man, so are you ready to be sent back?" Bluestar asks.

"Yes I am and thank you Bluestar" she nods "I love you mom," Ashfur says.

"I love you too honey and take good care of your boys," I said and he nods and she uses her hand and Ashfur starts fading away and then he was gone.


After I got sent back I start waking up in an empty room with nobody in here, but as my eyes get more adjusted, I then see that I'm not alone, I see Scourge asleep holding my hand, I take my hand out of him and start rubbing his hair, he starts to groan but I continue rubbing his hair then his eyes start to open an he sees me and he gasps.  

"You're awake, I that you'd never wake up, you had me so scared I that you were going to die and leave me" Scourge says with his eyes getting watery.

"I did die, but my mom had the leader of StarClan bring me back because it wasn't my time yet and you know what," I said.

"What," Scourge says.

"I met Bluestar in person and don't get jealous but she was the most beautiful woman I have ever seen"

"Why would I get Jealous of her if you're here with me," Scourge says.

"How long have I been here?" I ask.

"You've been asleep for 2 weeks," Scourge says and I gasp.

"I see, how is everybody and how are our boys?" I ask getting worried. 

"Hey hey hey hey it's ok, their all fine" I sigh in relief "do you want me to call them and tell them to come?" Scourge asks.

"Yes, I want them to come and I want to see my babies," I said, he smirks.

"Ok I'll call them, but I have to leave the room first, people are not allowed to use their phones in ICU room ok" Scourge says, I nod and he leaves and comes back in a few minutes " ok I called them and they're on their way"

"So what have you been doing over the last 2 weeks?" 

"I've been here or at home with the boys and when I do stay here I don't leave this room" I chuckle "what"

"So you don't leave this room not even to go to the restroom?" I ask laughing, he chuckles.

"Shut up," Scourge says laughing and so do I.

Just then a doctor and a nurse comes in an sees me awake "well this a surprise to see you awake, how do you feel?" the doctor asks.

"I feel ok but weak and I can't move my legs, why?" I ask getting scared and worried. 

"Well since you were asleep for so long you didn't use your muscles and that's why you are like this," the doctor says.

"Is it permanent?" Scourge asks.

"No it's not, he just needs to get his strength back by using his muscles again, but it will take some time to get you back to normal, but until then you will have to be in a wheelchair for a while," the doctor says, we nod.

After a while, they show up and say "Ashfur you scared us to death, don't do that again" they all say at once.

"I'm sorry guys" I chuckle "now give me my boys I missed them" they give me my boys and I smile at them "I missed them and you guys too of course," I said.

After a few more days I got to go home but I have to stay in the wheelchair for a bit longer because my strength had not return fully yet, so I can't walk on my own and I can barely use my arms and so Scourge stays with me and helps me at almost everything and even at school, because of what happened to me the school let Scourge stay with me full time but all he has to do is get his school work from his class and he can stay with me and I love it.


I feel sorry for Ashy for what happened to him, but I get to be with him full time at school and at home and I love it.

Anyway, I'm with Ashfur at P.E. with him in his wheelchair and he's been sad lately that he can't do anything really well right now like right now he's trying to get up he's trying to get up so he can do something.

"Ashfur be careful you could hurt yourself," I said.

"Scourge I want to get better and I want to walk and hold my babies for then more than a few seconds" he starts to cry "I wish I could do something, I feel so useless that I can't do anything," Ashfur says.

I pick him up and put him on my lap and hug him and comfort him.

After the class was over I had to go to the bathroom and I was going to bring him with me but he sais he would be fine without me for a few minutes and boy was I wrong.

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