A broken heart?

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   Kaneki throw [m/n] off of him as fast as he possibly could stating in shock at his his best friend, who if you had forgotten was in a relationship!
"What the hell is wrong with you?!Wh..Why did you just kiss me?!" [m/n] looked at Kaneki as if it just dawned on him what happened.
"I'm so sorry kaneki! I can explain!!" [m/n] had gotten off the Couch and was practically groveling at his best friends feet. Kaneki started to relax as he figured it was just a dumb mistake but he made sure to stay on alert.
"Okay...Then explain." [m/n] stopped groveling at the feet of Kaneki but stayed on his knees with his head hung low as he explained his actions.
"Well uhm...you see..." [m/r] went on to explain that the reason he kissed his friend was simply do too his frustrations at Juuzou. He explained how Juuzou didn't show much affection towards him lately and how he was always gone.
"So what your saying is the reason you kissed me. Was because your sexually frustrated.?" This received a nod. "Well I don't really know what to say or do here.
"Could you just stay here with me for an hour or two.
For the next hour and a half the two boys ignored earlier events and did their best too just enjoy the time they had. It hand been a year since they really hung out together and months since [m/r] spent more than five minutes happy.
[m/n] and Kaneki were standing in the kitchen reminiscing about their times in middle school. Both men had genuine smiles on their faces, which earlier in the day would have seemed impossible. 
  "I don't think I've spent this long being happy in ages."
  "It definitely feels like old times again." And Kaneki meant that whole heartedly. Today might as well have been the summer of seventh grade all over again.
  "I don't even remember why we stopped hanging out so much."
  "I do." Kaneki stared intently at the floor as he remembered why. "Once you and Juuzou started dating. A realization dawned on me that I had tried to fight for years. But I was to scared to face the truth so I walked away to forget. But after today I don't know if I can fight it anymore."
  "What do you mean?" The taller male was puzzled at his best friends words. He tried to wrap his head around them but found the task to be impossible. "Ke..." In a flash kaneki has his beat friend pinned to the counter. For the second time today both men were kissing. But their were many differences.
  This time kaneki had initiated the kiss. This time it was on purpose. And this time there was a lot more involvement on the other half's part. The two best friends made out in the kitchen blocking out the sounds of the outside world. But a large shriek woke them up. Both men separated their kiss to look at the front door to see a certain white haired man standing their.
   Juuzou Suzuya has entered his home to surprise his lover but he ended up getting the surprise of a life time. Seconds rolled by of him with tears streaming down his face as his "lover" stood in the kitchen pressed up against another man. A man who he trusted to check on his boyfriend.
   "HOW COULD YOU?!" Juuzou was fully weeping like his boyfriend had been the previous night.
  "Wa..wait..I can explain!" Kaneki tried to reach out to the other male. But [m/n] grabbed his arm and pulled him back. Both Kaneki and Juuzou both looked at [m/n] as his eyes held nothing put pure distain.
  "No..how could you? How could you?!"
  "How many Juuzou? How many people did you sleep with while we have been together?"
  "What are you talking about?! I haven't slept with anyone! Juuzou looked at his lover in bewilderment. He couldn't understand the scene unfolding before him.
  "BULLSHIT!! SINCE DAY ONE OF US BEING TOGETHER YOU'VE TREATED ME LIKE SHIT! ALL YOU DO IS LEAVE ME ALONE AND SPENT DAYS AT A TIME GONE! AND WHEN YOU DO COME BACK YOU DON'T LOOK AT ME LIKE A LOVER! YOU DON'T EVEN LOOK AT ME! A..ll you do is sit on the couch an..and just watch tv. You don't even speak to me!" A small puddle had formed from where all of Juuzou's tears had fallen. But even they had stopped as it seemed time stood still. No one moved a muscle as [m/n] tried to catch his breath. "I...I want you out of my house right now."
  "What?! [m/n].."
  "GET OUT! AND DON'T EVER SHOW YOUR FACE HERE AGAIN!" Juuzou tried to form words but a coherent thought couldn't even form in his head. He tried one last time to say something but the look in his now ex lover's eyes told him to stay quiet. He casted his head down as he reached out for the door handle. He took one last quick peek at the two men behind him before making his way outside.
   "[m/r]?" Kaneki who was still a foot away from his best friend(?). The [h/c] haired male simply kissed his forehead before embracing him. Kaneki slowly wrapped his arms around his waist as he stared at the floor trying to make sense of the night.
   Well do you hate me yet? First off sorry for not updating sooner. School and shit has gotten in my way and just haven't had much inspiration recently. And second I know this is a reader x Juuzou story and this is the second chapter in a row to have a ending with the reader and kaneki being together. But I have to add drama somehow and this is the best way to do it. If you like this story let me know and I will continue you to write it and have happier chapters. But please make sure to vote and comment on this and add it to a watchlist if you want. Remember CONSTRUCTIVE criticism is always appreciated. But until next time. BYE!😁✌🏼

Juuzou suzuya x seme male Reader (childish behavior) Where stories live. Discover now